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Renters Reform Bill - what next, after General Election is called?

A General Election has been called for July 4.

So what happens to the Renters Reform Bill, which has been the subject of years of controversy and which is now part way through its Parliamentary process?

It has gone through the House of Commons and has had its first reading in the Lords.


It should next go on to the committee stage in the Lords, which could in normal times take some weeks. Providing the Bill emerges from committee without significant conflicts with the version of the Bill agreed by the Commons, it could then quickly go through final procedures in the Lords before being given Royal Assent and becoming law.

But can that realistically happen by the time Parliament is dissolved?

There are normally several days between an election being called and Parliament (including the Lords) being dissolved. During this period, Parliament will continue in what is called the ‘wash-up’.

Any Parliamentary business not completed by the end of ‘wash-up’ will fall. This means Bills that have not received Royal Assent will not enter into law and cannot be continued into the next Parliament - even if the Conservatives were to win the election and return to government. 

In theory there could be a rush to rapidly pass the Renters Reform Bill to get it onto the statute book, but this would require the co-operation of Labour. The Opposition has said it will not vote against the Bill as it currently stands - but there may simply not be time for it to finish all its stages before polling day.

No announcement has yet been made about the Bill - but more may be known in the next few working days.

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    I would think they have bigger fish to fry. Then Summer recess starts on 24th July, let's hope we get a few months before the damage really starts. October would have been bad enough, but July is very depressing. The Conservatives have been bad, but it's probably going to get a lot worse.

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    I hope it fails, if only to see Polly Bleat lose it big time.

  • John Cart

    They can't possibly attempt to push the RRB through in it's current half-arsed, half-finished state. Liebour won't vote against it so they can try to absolve themselves of any blame when the PRS goes into a total meltdown and some clown somewhere decides it's time to abolish S.21 and the courts go into complete chaos. As for Polly Bleat, anything that winds her up is ok by me.

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    The House of Lords rises for Whitsun tomorrow (23rd May)

    They are due to return on 3rd June.

    However, Parliament is due to be dissolved on 30th May because of the General Election.

    I can't see there is any time left for the Renters Reform Bill. It hasn't finished its journey through Parliament.

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    Seems like Rishi thinks things are going to be even worse in the Autumn than they are now - that's a very depressing thought!!

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    If anyone heard a long, drawn out scream of impotent rage - it was Polly Bleat.

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    Now is the time to serve Section 21’s on any iffy tenants. Angela Rayner has stated they would freeze evictions within 100 days of Labour taking office!


    Mine are gone and the house is on the market.


    Labour could have a Section 21 eviction ban immediately they take office.

    Of course it is possible that they might not win. George Galloway's Party may lose them seats. And the rise of Reform may have been halted by an early election?


    You are probably correct Ellie to say Labour could have an immediate ban on Section 21’s. Therefore it is important to have them served by 4th July.


    I tell every poll I am voting red or blue. Let the Reform votes be a big surprise for them all.


    Could there be some sort of pact between the Conservatives and Reform - or is that out of the question, AL?


    The SENSIBLE thing would be for the conservatives to give REFORM a clear field in the constituencies where their MPs are stabnding down. There again, after they broke their promise last time, would you trust tghem>


    Good point AL. They should come to some arrangement.

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    What ever the delay…. It’s coming 🥵👎🏻


    Something is coming and it won't be good.

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    Labour will have to immediately raise taxes as they are going to be £10 billion short after paying compensation to the blood scandal victims. Keir Starmer’s six pledges are also going to be costly. Wouldn’t surprise me to see the Wealth Tax brought back on the table.


    They will also need to get more people off benefits and into work, that will be a challenge for them!!!


    Or raid pensions - AGAIN. No point in them selling the gold, thanks to Gordon there is very little left.

    As for getting people off benefits and into work. they won't do that - they are their core voters.

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    The important question is, "Has anyone contacted Polly Bleat to see how she is?" LOL

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    None of those who want it scrapped were there at the beginning or even if they were born, all green horns high & mighty digital academics not a day’s work in any of them, had an easy ride living off our backs and that includes RLA & NLA a sad day they amalgamated and RLA pushed out NLA CEO and other members leaving Ben to call the shots to the exclusion of NLA MEMBERS. How many NLA Members do you think wanted rid of Section 21, was it none ?, the very foundation of all Private Lettings before which there wasn’t any, how many times do I have to repeat. Yet The CEO of NRLA didn’t see fit to challenge Mrs Mays & Mr Michael Gove’s Stupid Bill. How can he purport to support its members while acting against its interests or for that matter even complicit in support of this any-landlords policy causing thousands of its members to sell up and tens of thousands of Tenants to lose their Rental Property.

  • David Saunders

    Micheal, that tens of thousands tenants made homeless figure you mention could need another nought added to it if Labour gain power but Angie is threatening to bring it in on day one so not alot of time to get section 21s issued though no doubt Labour will ban/cancel them anyway.

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    Michael, you are right, I hated it when NLA and RLA merged. I did not like RLA. I preferred NLA, been a member of it for a long time. RLA, one year and did not see any benefits in there. Now NRLA, all benefits seems to wiped off. More money making schemes. They never listen to members as s21 ban is totally against landlords benefits. No it's and but's. Clearly the ban of s21 is against the wishes of the LLs and in the long run detrimental for the tenants. I have already told my tenants that I am putting my property for sale when she leaves in November, when the fixed term completes. The tenant wish to stay another 4 to 5 years. I shall give her s21 notice before the next rent date and hope existing s21 will not be canceled. Another property nearby, just became empty, so getting all the work done and placing it for sale within the next 4 weeks. Another 2 next year, one 2 bedroom on fixed rate mortgage in central London, so replace it with one bedroom apartment with smaller service charges for us to use. Labour will not have an easy ride, the more difficult they make it for landlords.Angela Rayner should have kept her ex-council property for renting to homeless. That would have been a start.


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