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Second Homes tax hike agreed by all political parties

Plans to impose a premium on council tax for for second homeowners have been approved by Cornwall Council with all-party agreement.

The move could be worth up to an additional £25m in revenue for the authority each year.

The new premium will be introduced in April 2024 but that is dependent on the relevant legislation being formally approved by Parliament before the end of March this year.


Councillor David Harris, deputy leader of Cornwall Council and portfolio holder for resources, says: “I am sure that some people will be trying to find ways to dodge this extra charge and I can assure you that I will be working with officers to look at every possible dodge and and how we block these.”

And councillor Linda Taylor, leader of Cornwall Council, adds: “One of our key priorities as an administration has been to address the housing issues we face in Cornwall, and today’s decision will help us to do just that.

“By increasing the premium on second homes, we will be not only increasing revenue, but also making people think about what they do with these properties, many of which are empty for much of the year.

“It is a good start to the New Year for Cornwall.”

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    The dodge is on 🤔😂 the game is afoot, I can see this being like Covid where neighbours “ snitch’” on the housing they think is not a primary residence…. Fun times ahead.


    Yes no doubt there will be some of that. However there is no law that says anyone has to stay at their primary residence every day of the year, and indeed if they are working away then many people can't. As far as I know there is no way of a neighbour knowing whether a property is someone's primary residence or not.


    Do husband and wife need to share the same principal private residence or can they have one each?

    If they must share, why can't non married people be forced to share?


    I had wondered that Robert, marriages fail but sometimes don't divorce, in fact I have known couples that just cannot live together but still hold down a loving relationship, interesting question that


    I think the rule is that if legally married or civil partners you can't claim to have separate main homes, but anyone else can.

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    Good times? This is a problem of their own creation, if the local authorities really knew what they were doing they would have invested in building houses / apartments that would be for local residents only. There could be a requirement to reside clause so it’s not as if this an issue? Instead they always default like the idiots here in Wales to taxation- there will inevitably be unintended consequences which will surface in 3-7 years time and then it’s more legislation to solve those. Honestly it’s like the blind leading the stupid


    👍🏻Great post.

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    There is a big problem in tourist hot spots across the country, but I am not sure this is the best way to address it. More like they want to be seen to be doing something, and no doubt it would raise some money, although it may have unintended consequences. I'd agree there must be better solutions than this. There are properties only available for locals in Cornwall, but only a small number every year, so called section 106.

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    I am afraid it's a means of deflecting the elephant in the room, I e Immigration!! Further their are a lot of NEETs in Cornwall, thereby reducing the workforce, but loading up the benefit systems, forcing employers to bring in labour from elsewhere.


    You are right the south west generally seems to attract a lot of people who want the "lifestyle" but don't want to work, then complain about low pay, can't find a cheap place to live etc etc

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    Sad landlord, problem seems to be that these people are pandered to by the authorities. Almost as though they want the place wrecked. Gbnews is shining a light in dark corners, obviously Ofcom Murdoch, BBC, advertising agencies etc. are trying to close it.

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    Hi All, when has LAs, or Govt or ANY Govt establishment admitted its failings. They are still living in the early 20th or late 19th centuries, when govt. was extremely arrogant and did not even count women as people. To be honest it is not vastly different, NOW, with a very small no. of exceptions. Govt.+LAs could reduce head count by the best part of 15 to 20% and still perform at the present rate. The LA where I have a few houses sends automated responses to emails saying it takes them 40 days to respond to ANY REQUESTS, INFORMATION. What a bunch of Tow Rags & Wasters, yet when they send any correspondence one must answer within THEIR TIME FRAME WHICH IS ARBITRARILY PLUCKED OUT OF THE AIR. WHAT THIS WILL DO IS TO PUT UP THE COST OF ACCOMMODATION FURTHER, JUST IN CASE THE PUBLIC SECTOR PAYROLL PASSENGERS DO NOT UNDERSTAND!
    iT IS CLEAR THAT IF ONE looks at how the MPs and public sector manages the economy. I watched the MPs Expenses saga Last night on You Tube. I would strongly recommend all to go see it again to remind us of the quality of MPs (so-called) serving the country. Sorry I meant to say helping themselves and then threatening journalists for exposing the misdeeds. It is my view that there is very national concern from most politicians, i.e. failure to agree and work together in the National interest. We have 5 or so parties pulling in a multitude of directions and spending money that even the next three to four generations could repay! What a rip off legacy this mob is leaving to our successive generations.

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    I feel sorry for the victims of these fascist dictators people who worked hard all their lives for the betterment of their families and to underpin the tourist economy and provide thousands with a living
    THE OBVIOUS ANSWER take your hard earned savings invest in a European democracy PROVIDE JOBS ,HOUSING AND TAXES IN EUROPE
    Regrettably britain is an undemocratic fascist state now


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