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Written by Emma Lunn

A new interactive map that outlines all of the existing and planned landlord licensing schemes in England and Wales has been launched by the National Landlords Association (NLA).  

The new interactive tool will better enable landlords to keep on top of what the NLA describes as a ‘disjointed and confusing’ licensing regime.

The interactive map provides landlords with a picture of local licensing activity across England and Wales, including the fees payable for any mandatory, additional or selective schemes in their region. It also outlines where proposals for new schemes are currently under consideration and lists the NLA’s local representatives who are active in the area.

The map supports the NLA’s Rent, Risk, Resolve campaign, which looks to help landlords mitigate some of the major risks involved with letting property, including the costs associated with unnecessary local licensing schemes. The tool does not extend to Scotland or Northern Ireland, where the licensing regime differs.

Carolyn Uphill, NLA chairman, said: “Since 2010, local councils in England and Wales have been able to introduce new licensing schemes without seeking permission from central Government and this has led to a disjointed and confusing system.

“We decided to create this tool to help landlords keep on top of the situation and given them the licensing lowdown in their specific region at the simple click of a button. It’s important to be aware of local licensing laws as they present a significant upfront business cost and can be even costlier if you unwittingly fail to comply.

“Landlord licensing schemes should only be set up by councils where problems such as anti-social behaviour can be directly linked to the poor property management of private rented housing in the local areas.

“Unfortunately with the current system the driving force behind a new scheme seems to be the political will of a particular council, which isn’t right. A process of central verification for the formation of new schemes, where there is a genuine need and a clear justification can be made, would put a stop to this”.

The interactive map can be accessed at www.landlords.org.uk/rentriskresolve/licensing-in-your-area.



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