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Planning consent now needed for new HMOs in part of London

HMOs in the London borough of Brent must now win planning consent and meet a new set of criteria to ensure they provide suitable, good quality living spaces.

Landlords interested in letting out new HMOs across most of the borough will be required to seek planning permission in line with the guidelines in the new HMO Supplementary Planning Document, nicknamed the SPD.

The guidance sets out the minimum amount of space required for tenants in bedrooms and communal spaces along with a requirement to be well connected to public transport and close to shops. Landlords will also need to provide a plan for the management and upkeep of the property.


HMOs operating before this date will need to ensure they have a private sector landlord licence and building regulations approval. If there are more than six occupants, they also require the necessary planning permission.

A council spokesperson says: “We have around 17,000 HMOs across the borough, with the majority run well and providing a good standard of accommodation for our residents.

“However, there are unfortunately some cases where landlords have let standards slip impacting both the tenants and neighbours.

“Everyone deserves to live in safe and suitable accommodation and our new guidelines will ensure HMO landlords are providing a good standard of service in an appropriate setting.”

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    Do I understand this article correctly 17’000 HMO’s in one Borough alone, just say a cheap figure for a license I know it’s a lot more. Say mid range £700. Approx’ Licence App’fee. (but some Borough’s are £1500. + for App’ fee).
    £700.00 x 17’000 that’s 12million pounds taken from Private landlords in one Borough alone but we have 32 Borough’s in London, we are been mugged.


    No Michael, it's not you being mugged it's your tenants when you increase their rent and I hope show them exactly why

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    They then scratch their heads on how to deal with all the homeless tenants who cannot find a rental due to their poilicies.

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    So why are we continually, attacked, pillarised and portrayed as Rogue’s by Council’s. They should be complimenting, phrasing and thanking us for the massive financial contributions we are making to keep the doss, the big Salaries, bonuses and pension pots for Council Managers, they are so ungrateful. This is all apart from our primary function of housing millions of people off our own backs that the Council’s couldn’t. Have a nice Budget.

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    I am going to say something that won’t be popular not that it’s new for me.
    The clamping down on landlords excluded the worst ones didn’t need to comply or required to comply with licensing laws. This is still the case for renting to so called families why ?. Is there collusion in Civic Centres and Government Departments making rules for their friends and relations who mainly run those places and there seem to be an unequal proportion getting priority for housing and Benefit at tax payers expense no license required.

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    Andrew. I am afraid its me as I haven’t increased rents, so it’s me that has taken the hit, maybe I should re-phase my comment to I at a mug.


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