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Gove reveals the fate of Renters Reform Bill

Housing Secretary Michael Gove has given Conservative conference delegates an update on the Renters Reform Bill.

Contrary to speculation, mostly from anti-landlord activist groups, the Bill has not been postponed but will indeed get its Second Reading later this autumn, when Parliament reconvenes after the Party conference recess.

Speaking at a Centre for Policy Studies fringe meeting, Gove said speculation that some Tory backbenchers opposed the Bill did not reflect the government’s thinking.


The Bill will go ahead, he said.

The chief executive of the National Residential Landlords Association - Ben Beadle - attended the fringe meeting and wrote on social media channel X: “The back bench concerns of rental reform is not the view of government, says @michaelgove with second reading in the autumn. Delighted to hear him speak so strongly on the need for responsible #landlords and @NRLAssociation campaigning.”

Gove went on to say much the same thing at a reception hosted by Shelter yesterday evening. 

Just 10 days ago Generation Rent was claiming that the government may be about the shelve the Bill, despite the government having denied the suggestion.

The group even created letters tailored towards MPs’ parties - Tory or Labour.

Generation Rent had for some days now suggested that just a small number of Conservative MPs, who are themselves landlords, triggered a delay in the Second Reading of the Bill. 

This was despite an explicit government pledge, delivered by the Leader of the House Penny Mordaunt, that the Bill would receive the Second Reading as soon as business allowed.

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  • icon

    Not so surprised, it’s coming 😱 like death ☠️ and taxes, we either accept it or get the hell out 🤷‍♂️

  • icon

    The Government is very brave. They will lose a very large number of Conservative votes over this legislation, and are unlikely to gain any tenant votes because of it.

    Will they be wiped out at the next general election?

  • icon

    Labour will unfortunately win the next election and we will be in a far worse place then. It can and will get worse. I’d love to get out of the PRS, but it’s my livelihood. Being a LL is like being in a job you hate, but can’t leave as the bills need to be paid!


    I can see that, it’s harder for you guys, landlords like me who have a “ normal” job and only have properties as investments are in an easier position.


    How on earth can you make the statement that we will be in a far worse place under Labour. How rubbish do things have to get before people actually realise that conservative government has achieved nothing to be proud of in the past 13 year stint and precious little in the 31 years they have been in power since 1979 which pretty much covers my whole adulthood?

  • John  Adams

    Conservative MPs are too busy working out what they are going to do when they lose their seats.
    We can only hope that the statistics behind the scenes are concerning enough to Labour that they realise the disaster their proposals will bring.
    Labour is like the Conservatives far from unified and upon election, Starmer faces huge rebellions internally and policies that will fundamentally damage the country will succeed and only after a rerun of the 70s will the younger generation understand.
    It's been more than 44 years since the chaos of the kind of Labour Government we are now facing and as Schools are mostly left wing that part of our history hasn't been taught....

  • icon

    House Penny didn’t drop yet, they are all delighted to hear themselves to speak so strongly against Responsible Landlords the vast majority without a voice. So no one at those sneaky fringe meetings to Represent us who house millions and with own Personal Finance not State Owned Property or Government Funded, free Private Enterprise being Confiscated by the State, our Property Ownership Rights being Removed like lambs to the slaughter not a murmur.
    Oh yes we Live in a Democracy let’s have a Democratic Election, a few Porto Cabins on side of road should suffice.

  • icon

    Well it seems security for the home seems to be the issue. LL's evicting tenants out of "their home".
    So what about home owners? They can be evicted out of their homes too! Miss a mortgage payment or two and see how that pans out. You'll be ousted out of your "home" quicker than you can say hypocrisy or injustice.
    Nobody has security in their home. We can all be ousted out, and in the case of a home owner, the police will assist the home owner to get you out!
    Even the prime minister can be ousted out of no. 10. Just with enough votes at the elections.
    It not very economic ousting tennants when they pay their rents and cause no problems, so most landlords dont do it.
    I've only done it once on a none paying tennant, who thought "paying the rent was not a priority if his, at the time". And that's after 25 years of renting.
    Making it impossible to remove nonepaying tennants will destroy the PRS, and is an infringement upon our human rights!


    I also have only ever used sec 21 to evict non payers


    Part of the reason for using section 21 is because (if the paperwork is correct) it is mandatory and our insurance backed legal representatives will not move on any eviction without mandatory grounds. So the fact that the tenant has a zoo, contrary to his signed tenancy agreement and is hoarding rubbish and causing a health hazard, (grounds for section 8 but discretionary) is not considered a good enough "fault for an eviction. We have to use "no-fault" section 21. He has now gone 2 months without paying rent so we have a section 8 as well but he can still wriggle out of that one by paying some back rent.
    A real world scenario which explains why removal of section 21 and mandatory permission for pets will see me out of the PRS. Luckily, I am of nearly retirement age so can exit.

  • icon

    A reception hosted by Shelter. Champagne and caviar from donations! How low can the charity (business) that houses no one go with other people’s money.

  • icon

    Ben " beadle about " delighted about their campaigning and schmoozing with no results. So fed up of hearing his enterprise.
    We do need a proper industry voice that can get a proper platform for landlords.


    Agree. He’s so weak.

  • icon

    It’s usually best to ignore most things uttered by Gove. He is a terrible liar and in my personal experience, way above his station.

    George Dawes

    He sure can dance though 😂

  • George Dawes

    Give and his like will be guaranteed nice cushy jobs for selling our country down the river etc

    They couldn’t care less about anyone but themselves

  • icon

    Both parties are talking about Housing ahead of the election but neither is planning to significantly increase social housing. So they will continue to rely on BTR & the PRS to make up the shortfall. The RRB is coming, but maybe the recognition of the importance of the PRS will effect some changes to the original proposal.


    Let's hope so Tricia, it would make sense for all not just landlords but tenants, councils and government as well


    I do hope so, but honestly….. 😟 I just cannot see it.

  • Antony Whitbread

    At this stage, the bill does not really change much from what we already have. Everyone is talking about the abolishment of the section 21. However, they will just strengthen the powers for what a section 8 can be used for. Not that worried overall as to what this bill brings forward, plus by the time it has been through all the readings it will be so diluted it won’t make much of a difference at all.

  • icon

    Anthony my friend don’t be naive if it wasn’t much difference they wouldn’t be doing it and thousands of landlords have exited.
    We know what’s happening they are getting rid of us for the big boys to take over.
    They are not going to come out and say that, just keep burdening you under, with unfair costs, rules, Regulation’s,
    licensing, Fines, Penalties, Re-Payment Order’s, Confiscation etc that don’t apply to others. Please tell me one thing just one thing they have done to help Private landlords but several to damage us.
    For god sake look around you hundreds of thousands of Flats going up, we are been replaced by Statute, those guys were never in this business before.

  • icon

    Andy D. I believe you are right if Labour was in power all this time, it wouldn’t be as bad as this. Labour wouldn’t have gotten away with half the strokes the Conservatives pulled on us only because they sucked us into believing they were for free enterprise and going forward but instead are plotting our downfall.
    Labour wouldn’t have been rubbing so much butter on the fat swines bum, anyway it’s too late now can’t be reversed the damage is done.


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