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Anti-landlord campaigner calls for Minister for Refugees

The Baroness who leads the Generation Rent campaign is now calling for a Minister for Refugees.

Baroness Alicia Kennedy makes the call after her group commissioned a new survey of Ukrainians in the UK.

The survey is very small - just 325 Ukrainians - but the Baroness claims that nearly half have struggled to provide a guarantor when looking for somewhere to rent and over two in five have struggled to find money for a tenancy deposit.


So far 222,000 visas have been awarded to Ukrainians fleeing from the war and tomorrow marks the first anniversary of the launch of the Homes for Ukraine scheme, which accounts for 70 per cent of all visas.

Generation Rent claims almost half of the respondents had experienced mould or damp in their current property and over a quarter had experienced leaks and draughts.

Baroness Kennedy states: “Too many Ukrainians are being presented with three options: become homeless, endure poor quality housing, or return to Ukraine. Clearly, things need to change.

“The recently announced £150m being made available to Ukrainian refugees across the UK at risk of homelessness (regardless of which scheme through which they arrived) will undoubtedly benefit many who are currently struggling.

“However, more can be done to ensure that Ukrainian refugees are supported into the private rented sector and this homelessness crisis ended.

“The government must appoint a Minister of State for Refugees, make another nationwide call for host families, issue guidance to local authorities on how they should be supporting Ukrainian refugees and work with landlords and letting agents to ensure that Ukrainian refugees are able to access accommodation in the private rental sector.”

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  • George Dawes

    How about an anti baroness minister ?


    This fake baroness needs to go big time.

  • icon

    Let’s have a pro landlord minister.


    What we need is a housing minister. Someone whose job it is to house as many people as possible in decent housing. Oh hang on a minute....

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    Stockport council’s official answer to housing Ukrainian refugees was to return to Ukraine.
    Not very sympathetic.

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    For once I agree with her. Being involved with the Homes for Ukraine Scheme I can tell you that most Ukrainians have little or no chance of getting into rented accommodation. They have no credit history, most are on low wages or UC, most are women or women & children. Their only chance is finding a LL who is sympathetic to their situation.

    I don't believe the £150 million recently announced will do anything apart from pay for emergency accommodation. There appears to be no real help finding accommodation from my local councils. In fairness, when there is no accommodation I don't know what anyone can do - Ukrainians are at the bottom of the pile with other renters who need social housing.

    Unfortunately we promised big & delivered small to the Ukrainian people. We can send military aid to their soldiers, but we can't house their women & children! It is the same with the Afghanis we promised help to.

    The Govt never thinks a problem through to the end, just throws the responsibility to LAs who have no way of dealing with it.

    Refugees in the UK struggle to find a home, a school, medical care, dental care & jobs. They are totally reliant on the goodwill of hosts & a range of charities.


    Sympathy for them yes, would I house them no, I'm not a charity, however Ms Kennedy is head of a housing charity so lets see her housing them


    Hi Tricia, good on you for getting involved. I'm sorry though but we don't need a Minister for this. We do need some joined up thinking.
    This is a very advanced organised country, trust me I've lived in countries that are not.
    However, over the last few years we have been run by idiots whom take far too much notice of the press and minorities. The opposition would be the same.
    I would ad that this is not really a forum for this, private Landlords are not in a position to help in this situation on a massive scale.

  • icon

    Yet more hate speech they do not care about U

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    They do not care about the plight of Ukrainians it is just another opportunity for these monsters of hate to spew out their fanatical and venomous hatred of landlords and their children few words about Ukrainians it is all about Generation hate. it is so easy for them to torture minorities especially children

  • Ferey Lavassani

    Not all Ukraine is what you call " war zone". Refugees are required to take "internal relocation alternative". West of the country is safe zone. I entirely agree with Stockport Council. 270 ,000 visas issued with transport provided. When 45,000 refugees risk their lives to cross the channel, it causes an uproar in the press followed by general public reaction. Those 45000 are prepared to work. Any type of jobs, they will do it. These Ukrainians, not all, but mostly sitting on their backside unable to work due to excessive use of alcohol.


    Are the Romanians prepared to work more than the Ukranians?

    Ferey Lavassani

    Of course. Most of them are engaged in begging industry on every street corner in Manchester!!

  • icon

    Tricia, I don’t agree while I have the greatest sympathy for anyone struggling or homeless whether refugees or our own.
    The last person they need to represent them is an anti-landlords campaigned.
    Does she think Private Landlords are going support anyone associated with someone who have spent years attacking Private landlords and driving them out by every means possible and now expect their help. They need to find themselves another mentor quick.


    I don't think she is suggesting her organisation should represent them - just that maybe they need someone to do so.

    I'm not advocating anyone should offer them accommodation ahead of any other group, just pointing out the difficulty of their situation & the failure of our Govt to string together a coherent policy on anything.

  • George Dawes

    Try finding homes for the indigenous population before so called refugees

    Most of which aren’t


    George Dawes for PM!

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    Presumably the noble Baroness will personally provide homes for the same number of refugees as she did for the homeless?


  • PossessionFriendUK PossessionFriend

    We need a Housing Minister who knows ' something ' about housing, - Basic business theory would help also.

  • PossessionFriendUK PossessionFriend

    Barkless Kennedy is obviously unaware that Local Authorities have been standing as Guarantors for Ukrainians, - but NOT UK tenants ! - go figure Alicia !

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    United kingdom did not think this problem through. We had families who took them in for 6 months, then what???? Not enough council houses, cost of living, families saying sorry it is costing us too much. The whole scheme was so short sighted. Welcome to the real world. Whilst I feel truly sorry for them, I am afraid we don't have enough for our own people, and don't get me started on the dingy sailors!!!!


    Could not agree more Christine!


    Hi Christine, viewing through hindsight is a luxury.
    We needed to act and i'm so glad we did with weapons and any help we could.
    Unfortunately, too much thinking is going on now. Pandering to this and that.
    I agree with you that more help should be forthcoming NOW but the Government is incapable of making decisions as they are too scared how they will be perceived.
    I would be happy to house some Ukrainians in my own property and i informed my tenants that I would assist them if they wanted to do this in their houses. Too much red tape caused too many problems so nothing happened. Even advice from the Council's was mixed.
    A Landlord on this site stated that he ignore's all the rules apart from gas safe, well good on him. He really has made a good point in my view.


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