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Clean Sweep - landlords get a free guide to spring cleaning

The National Residential Landlords Association and the Tenancy Deposit Scheme have produced what they call a comprehensive spring cleaning guide for landlords.

The guide includes essential tips and checklists to guide landlords, tips on how to avoid deposit disputes, and answers common questions about cleaning responsibilities. It covers all areas of the property, including external areas and gardens. 

The guide is free and available to all landlords, agents and tenants.


Steve Harriott, TDS group chief executive, says: “As a deposit protection scheme that deals with around 22,500 initial dispute enquiries a year, half of our dispute complaints are related to cleaning issues. We understand that cleaning responsibilities can be a contentious matter between landlords and tenants, which is why we have created this spring cleaning guide. We hope this guide will provide clarity and guidance to landlords and assist in the smooth running of the check-out process.”

The guide also pushes the importance of a thorough inventory check at the beginning and end of the tenancy. 

You can download a free copy here.

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    Not only are we now required to learn How 2 Rent and continuously acquire course points development but now need guidance on how to clean.
    Who do they think have being doing it all those years, have they just thought of it or brand new to the business.
    Notwithstanding we were doing it before the Prime Minister was born.
    I wished they had used their energy to save Section 21 Instead, we are ok with the eggs.

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    Could have been helpful, but some items are landlord responsibility and some are tenants, unless the property is empty. I guess we could give notice every year, tenants move out, we do all the cleaning and then re-let? Might be an idea but not too handy for any tenants who want to stay more than 12 months.

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    I spent a few days last week clearing up a yard behind some houses, filled a few wheelie bins plus a few trips to the dump, then I get moaned at because I've thrown out some tat that a past tenant wanted, she moved out 3 yrs ago !

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    Yesterday I removed 10 commercial wooden pallets from the rear of a house that was put there by a former Tenant who said he was going to make a bench out of them, that mad idea from a graduate never transpired, subsequently another Tenant sharer she told me not to remove them but now she has left so I removed and still have the problem of disposal. I believe this is a consequence of Regulatory Changes Tenants letting you know who’s boss. That was a fire hazard up against the house loaded with rubbish, so that will be landlords fault fine him.
    As the saying goes put the Devil on horse back and he’ll ride to Jerusalem.

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    My best tenants who were from Hong Kong paid for professional cleaners before handing their flat back to me. Sadly this is not the norm with my usual tenants nowadays. They have no idea when it comes to housekeeping. It is a pity Home Economics no longer taught in schools.


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