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New Tory super-council’s first act is clampdown on landlords

A new Tory-controlled super-council, which came into force at the weekend and combines eight previous local authorities, has announced an immediate clampdown on private landlords.

North Yorkshire Council is a new unitary authority made up from eight previous smaller bodies. There are 90 councillors of which 46 are Conservative, 13 are Liberal Democrat, 12 are Labour, nine are North Yorkshire Independent, five are Green, four are independent and one is a member of the Liberal Party.

It came into existence formally on Saturday and in its first official statement yesterday morning it said it had received £1.4m in taxpayers money from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.


Using what it calls a “streamlined approach” the funding will be used to increase enforcement activity against private landlords via the recruitment of more staff. There will also be a new - and so far unknown - enforcement policy.

The statement says: “The recruitment process for the new posts for housing enforcement officers is now under way. The new recruits will be stationed across the county within the next couple of months to provide a co-ordinated approach to tackling housing issues.”

Housing spokesperson Councillor Simon Myers says: “This successful bid [for the funding] shows how the new council is focused on delivering a united housing service for all of North Yorkshire. Being able to recruit and train new and current staff is just one way in which this funding will support the housing service. Improving and increasing enforcement activity through inspections and joint working with partners will allow us to work together to ensure that residents in North Yorkshire are safe.”

The reorganisation of the councils is part of what is described as “a 30-year devolution deal for York and North Yorkshire, with an investment fund of £540m” and will involve a new directly elected Mayor. 

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  • George Dawes

    Super ? Nothing super about red tape public sector incompetence

    John  Adams

    Super refers to the salary increases.

  • icon

    The housing crisis will just keep depending and guess what the rents will go up. These councils do not help tenants!

  • icon

    Recruitment of what ? wet behind the ears fresh out of uni boys and girls that know the lot and know F *** all ? we all know what to expect there

    jeremy clarke

    Yeh, da rent is 2 hi innit bro! you is gotta hous da homies.

  • icon

    It’s absurd another waste of £1.4m tax payers money to make housing crisis worse.
    To train staff ? no training necessary to vandalise, damage, Bankrupt Private landlords with full force of the law behind them for Big Boys to take over.
    The Department of Levelling Up / Department of Sham, scrap this Department now before it causes even more homeless and more unaffordable Renting for Tenants.

  • icon

    Enforcement of what? if the landlord has a good agent or knows their compliance requirements which the majority do why do they need to be micro managed. A complete waste of tax payers money. i agree there are a few rogue landlords out there but that is the same for tenants and as per the minority ruin for the majority.


    I wrote the same to B(r)ent Council when i was invited to raise concerns, good and bad with the new proposed selective licence. No good agent will let to anyone without the excessive amount of paperwork needed, epc, GSC, right to rent etc etc. This is just jobs for the boys, it’ll do nothing.

  • icon

    LL getting clobbered again. It’s about time the council, government and who ever decided to WORK YES WORK with us LL. If it wasn’t for us the situation would be a lot worse.

  • icon

    I love it, the more they persecute landlords the more I can increase my rents. I used to care about my tenants but now that care has been edited out by goverment regulations and Red Tape. The government and local authorities do not care about landlords or tenants so why should I.

    Robert Black

    Sadly I am beginning to think the same way
    There are some good landlords with happy tenants I can see the good landlords leaving the market and there being more bad ones
    Who is going to benefit

  • icon

    Even tenants are now becoming aware that this constant attack on the PRS is making life harder for them. They realise that they no longer have any choice in the market and especially here in Wales we have homeless people living in Holiday Inns as there is nowhere for them to live. It’s too late I think as the exodus is well under way and the local and national governments still don’t realise that as landlords we don’t have to tolerate this kind of abusive treatment

  • icon

    Why do public sector mobs of all shades and sizes use language such as enforcement and demand?

    If they understood anything about business they would know that words such as co-operation and ask are much more likely to achieve positive results.

    IF there is actually any deterioration in PRS properties - which I doubt - then the best way to ensure an improvement is to have sufficient properties available for let so that market forces will lead to the poorest properties being left unlet until those landlords responsible for any such deterioration are compelled to improve them by market forces, which will be much more effective than any amount of enforcement and demands.

    The fact that market forces cannot currently work properly is solely down to the anti landlord and thus anti tenant forces dominant in the public sector currently.

  • icon

    Looking to the likely future for the PRS I have decided to leave while it is still possible.
    I will take my money out and invest it elsewhere probably out of the U.K. So the U.K. Gov can ‘tax fleece’ me just one more time, then I’m out.

    Robert Black

    It does seem all short sighted and who will it benefit


    Who will benefit? Big corporations, friends and future employers of government ministers.

  • Rik Landlord

    First one going on the market today, 5 to go over next 5 years then I'm out, these incompetent councils with theor heads up their culos can find homes for my 14 tenants.

  • icon

    Only two to go. Saw writing on the wall several years ago. Will evict nobody, my final tenants have been with me for years. Always let well under market rent.

  • icon
    • B L
    • 05 April 2023 15:50 PM

    Is this about social housing? then, why the heading does not say so? We need to distinguish the difference in the letting market, social housing is totally different from the PRS.
    Our government should look into Elon Musk's $10,000 house, this creativity will bring hope to
    the housing shortages and affordability. Economy can not be forced where to go, resistance will become a major force against stability. Creativity like this may have a chance to find a way to avoid the collapse of the housing market.


    Agreed, this also annoys me greatly, we are being tarred by the same brush as social housing, for example the Awaab boy died in social housing but this wasn't made clear at the time or since, most people think he died in a private rented property, it's social housing where the major problems are which is mainly due to the type of people housed in them, the kind of people we wouldn't touch with a barge pole

  • icon

    Just catching up on comments the reading here is very sad, we all can’t be wrong so obviously it’s contrived surely Mr Gove No.1 suspect as it was his writing of the draft Unfairer Renting / levelling to the ground idea of the Private Rented Sector while working in the Ministry well before his current job as Housing Secretary, re-instated by Rishi Sunak after been sacked by former Premier Boris Johnson for double crossing him, so he is not trust worthy and not fit to hold Office.
    He is now involved with Shelter and others fabricating more ways to stitch up landlords, does he not think landlords the owners of the property should be represented and sitting at the table instead of Shelter.
    Rik, you must have nerves of steel I don’t know how you can plan over 5 years with the reduction and abolishing of the personal capital gains allowance, can you make a claim before 12.00 o’clock to night before it halves tomorrow.

  • icon

    P.S, if you have some Shares you might just manage it in time online.

  • icon

    On the subject of selling shares in order to obtain the benefit of the £12,300 capital gains tax allowance which is halving next year, remember that you can't rebuy the same share for the next 30 days or there will be tax consequences, I believe.

  • icon

    This stupid govt is causing havoc for PRS and to the tenants. £1.4 m can be used by council to buy stock for them to rent to social tenants instead of having extra staff for enforcement against the law abiding LL. Some of us are having difficulty to paying the capital with all the documentation required and maintenance of the property, taxes and keeping some reserves for further costs for EPC to be B or C. Let's see how the councils will manage the rude and unruly social housing tenants. They would go bankrupt and sell the stock to existing social housing tenants as they have done before, who sold up and either bought good quality houses or spent it all and became social tenants again. The only people they can target are small LLs, who have mortgage interests to pay on top of other government costs. I have 2 mortgages with fixed rates mortgages due to be complete by end of the year. I am hoping to be in a position to pay them off these 2 small loans with other expensive properties that are all fixed for a further 4 and half years. I would like to sell 4 to 5 properties within the next 3 years, 2 of them with no mortgages. The government and local council are very short sighted. The tenants will suffer with the landlords. However, the government will also freeze rents in the future when everything else has been lined up. Enforcement and more policies against the LL is so ridiculous even big companies will have difficulty with these policies. After all they are jumping the bandwagon based on LL s made profits in the past. Large companies are asking LLs to invest in their venture. I do not support them, as they live in a cuckoo world thinking it will be very profitable venture promising huge returns which we LL know that big returns are just not possible when they have their sales and marketing staff to pay on top everything else. I do not and will not invest in their venture. They want my money to pay them huge salaries and I can see how this will go for them as well. I just hope LLs coming out of the this market will not invest with large property companies. John Lewis are jumping the bandwagon. They have a lot of cash for properties and have their various offices to convert in the future. Stock and shares Isa is a first choice every year. Other options to invest are overseas. Being a landlord is out of the question for us. Company purchases means we will end of paying a lot of taxes. So my strategy is pay off loans before selling them. May be keep 2 locally in 10 years time. However, this may go depending on how stringent policies become in 5 years time.

  • icon

    Sell up now before Gov is panicked into ‘eviction bans.’ Insufficient housing will result in ‘locking in’ what housing they have, ie our housing!

  • icon

    These NAZI council busy polishing their jackboots


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