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Gove puts activists in pole position at launch of Reform Bill

In a surprise move, Housing Secretary Michael Gove has given the stand-in leader of activist group Generation Rent a prime role in the launch of the Renters Reform Bill.

The launch statement from the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities has four bodies quoted giving some level of support for the Bill - Generation Rent is first and arguably the most fulsome in its praise.

Dan Wilson Craw - acting director of Generation Rent - says: “The Renters' Reform Bill is a huge opportunity to improve the lives of the 11 million people who now rent from private landlords in England. 


“Arbitrary Section 21 evictions make it impossible for tenants to put down roots and report problems about their home with confidence. Abolishing them will take away much of the stress of renting and improve communication and trust between tenants and landlords. 

“The new Property Portal and Ombudsman have the potential to make it much harder for criminal landlords to operate.

“These reforms wouldn’t be happening without the tireless campaigning of members of the Renters Reform Coalition and thousands of renters over many years. We look forward to reading the Bill and working with ministers and parliamentarians to make sure the legislation achieves what it sets out to do.”


Bettersea Cats and Dogs Home also gets a say in the launch statement from DLUHC. 

Michael Webb, Head of Policy & Public Affairs at the home, comments: “Tenants being unable to find anywhere to rent with their pet is sadly one of the most common reasons people bring their animals to Battersea. 

“Not only will this Bill bring us one step closer to significantly reducing the number of dogs and cats we see being needlessly separated from their owners, it will also open up the many joys of pet ownership to millions of renters in the future. 

“As this Bill now begins its journey through Parliament, we look forward to continuing to work with the Housing department, tenants and landlords to help ensure a fairer rental sector for pets and people alike.” 

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  • icon

    Plenty more dogs and cats heading your way now Battersea 😿

  • icon

    I've just given the Bill a quick scan on the Gov website and it confirms the Conservative Government's intention that all PRS stock will have to meet the Decent Homes Standards. This confirms the 'direction of travel' of EPC Grade C as a minimum for all PRS houses and flats. This spells the end of expensive to heat/fuel poverty EPC Grade D and Grade E housing units. When I checked with my local MP she confirmed that The Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard Bill is now almost confirmed as Law, with all domestic rental stock required to to EPC Grade C by December 2028, latest. So we've got 5 1/2 years to insulate the walls, loft or roof and install a cost effective heating system into our units. This is clearly best done when the unit is vacant and in-between tenancies.
    The American Petroleum Institute's Stanford research paper from 1968, confirming that burning fossil fuels causes climate change, would suggest that investing in a new gas combi boiler is not a wise move. Dimplex Quantum electric night storage heaters or Sinclair electric air-con splits (that provide winter heating via simple internal cassettes) seem like the obvious way forward for us. I've commissioned up-to-date draft EPCs from my energy assessor and asked him prepare draft predicted EPCs to find the least expensive pathway to make my rental units both EPC Grade C AND All Electric. It's a cost but so far all pretty straightforward


    No Martin… I have 5.5 years to evict my tenants and sell up 💵💵👍🏻👍🏻, more than enough time.


    Yes 5.5 yrs then we have our freedom back


    Martin, I suggest you look on the review websites and you will see people who have installed Dimplex Quantum saying they don’t work as expected and don’t heat the property well enough. So beware. A lot of them on the site I read were unfortunately elderly people who were furious and felt ripped off. So please treble check before you shell out.


    Agreed Mark one of my tenants managed to get them fitted for free, she was very disappointed, they are hopeless

  • Andrew Murray

    Knock Knock, who's there? Michael Gove . Haha HaHa.


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