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Activists U-turn on Renters Reform Bill?

Activists who at one time appeared broadly happy with the pro-tenant Renters Reform Bill now appear to have changed their mind.

Over the weekend the Renters Reform Coalition - a campaign effectively run by the Generation Rent group - tweeted: “The government promised a ‘better deal for renters’, yet the bill as currently written will continue to allow many unfair evictions.”

It also generated a template letter for activists to send to MPs.


This seems some way from the coalition’s initial response to the Bill’s publication which it described at the time as “a momentous day for England’s 11 million private renters as - after years of tireless campaigning from thousands of fed-up renters and pro-tenant organisations.”

But now the coalition - which includes groups such as the National Union of Students and Z2K Fighting Poverty - says the Bill has “massive holes that will deny renters the end to unfair evictions that they have been promised.”

As part of its campaign it urges activist supporters to: “Use our online tool to email your MP and raise top concerns for renters' rights, invite them to the Renters’ Reform Coalition parliamentary drop-in event, and ask them to speak in the second reading.”

It then coaches supporters on what to do when writing to their MPs, saying: “If you would like to do this, please enter your postcode into the box below. When you press 'continue' you will be able to see a draft email ready for you to amend - if you want - and send to your MP. 

“It's as easy as that.

“If you can and have the time, we encourage you to amend the email to include your motivation for being part of the campaign for renters’ rights, including your experience of private renting if you have it, as MPs can be more receptive to reading an email which has been personalised.”

The Renters Reform Coalition is funded by the Nationwide Foundation (itself funded by the Nationwide Building Society). The foundation’s website, when setting out its funding, says: “This supports Generation Rent in hosting the Renters’ Reform Coalition; a group of renters’ voice and support organisations.”

Even though the coalition now appears highly critical of the Renters Reform Bill, the press release from Housing Secretary Michael Gove - when he announced the publication of the Bill - included supportive quotes from Generation Rent.


The group said at the time (which was under a month ago): “The Renters Reform Bill is a huge opportunity to improve the lives of the 11 million people who now rent from private landlords in England. 

“Arbitrary Section 21 evictions make it impossible for tenants to put down roots and report problems about their home with confidence. Abolishing them will take away much of the stress of renting and improve communication and trust between tenants and landlords. 

“The new Property Portal and Ombudsman have the potential to make it much harder for criminal landlords to operate.

“These reforms wouldn’t be happening without the tireless campaigning of members of the Renters Reform Coalition and thousands of renters over many years.”

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  • icon

    The headline suggested to me these silly people had woken up and wanted the Bill to be watered down to be more fairer and stop a catastrophe for their supporters . I didn’t quite believe it. How right was I!

    I don’t believe I’ll get my properties back either despite whatever grounds they claim to offer. Getting on bended knees to some lefty judge saying ‘please give me my own property back?’ No!

    So I now have one empty house atm 🥲

  • icon

    Nick, you are lucky to have your house empty. Perhaps engage a cleaner and let it as serviced accommodation.

    The biggest problem is that we have had no representation at all - and continue to have none. The "activisits" received all they wanted in the Renters Reform Bill and now they want more. They want there to be no possibility of us ever gaining possession of our properties.

    All we have is the petition on the Parliament website which currently has 1272 signatures.


    1273 now.
    We have the limp and ineffective NRLA which is supposed to represent the PRS. Even at a time when it is clear that ‘ownership rights are being dismantled’ and ‘sequestration’ of property is a fact in Scotland, the NRLA ‘broadly welcome’ the RRB.
    There is an urgent need to pressurize the NRLA to much, much better.
    My only hope is that the biggest names in the PRS get onto the case and now!


    I’m considering my options. Not sure about the SA market in where it is.

    I have a had a lot of worry with S21 and the agent overcharging a deposit and rent. Only a small ‘admin error’ of less than £1 but can’t help feeling its was deliberate to stop a S21 and keep them earning. Also that the government feel they can just roll out eviction bans and rent freezes when they feel like it. Thought this could happen all while the RTB progressed into law. It’s disgusting the way we are treated.


    I think the SA market is everywhere Nick. It is just a question, I think, of what you have to provide for it. There have been specific rules in the Scottish system including an inventory of items needed in the flat, and the frequency with which you have to provide a cleaner etc. but that is not the case in England - yet.


    Signed at the weekend 👍

    Richard LeFrak

    @AJR, why has Beadles About not got his 100k members on this petition to force it to be debated in the house.

    Probably on a Jolly enjoying a free lunch while agreeing with the RRB. Needs to get a proper grip that lad and focus on the real issues


    He's sucking up to the government. Looks like getting his purported student investments exempt so I'm ok Jack.

    Richard LeFrak

    Again Nick you are right, I am emailing him tomorrow to ask exactly what he is doing and if I am not happy with his response then I will cancel my membership and take a few others with me.


    I will send him a Tweet saying the same. Also will raise his purported student lets.

  • icon

    Petition has 1279 signatures now- would be great to get it to 2000 today. Can people put the link on every website where there might be supporters?

  • icon

    I read the headline and wondered whether one of the activist groups had worked out that their landlord bashing was making things significantly worse for renters - silly me, they will never see sense.

    Another story today on LT says only 10 percent of landlord are planning to expand their portfolio within 2 years, while the number exiting is far higher than this. So it seems the activists are finally getting what they’ve always wanted. They are winning and the landlords they despise so much are leaving the sector - I hope they’ll be happy with what’s left. Renters who can’t find anything to rent should write to their friendly activist groups and ask them, as there are now almost no rental properties available and they are not looking to buy - how do they now secure a property to live in? What is their plan to replace the rental properties that are leaving the market in record numbers?


    The ‘ activists’ don’t think that far ahead, that is another persons problem… the tenants 😂👎🏻


    Simon, but Polly can keep creaming in £140k for an 'easy job'. The 'chuggers' in the street all earn a good living too. That's their 'business'!

  • icon

    The tenant groups are living in cloud cuckoo land if they believe the RRB will make much difference to tenants. We all know most evictions are not 'no fault' so these will continue, rents will go up in case a pet is wanted & LLs are leaving in droves. The whole thing is bad for LLs but worse for tenants!

  • icon

    They simply want to effectively own OUR properties and never be evicted. That is what they are aiming for.


    Exactly, it is a form of theft. Much better to take the money out of the houses and invest it elsewhere or consider a different letting model.


    That is what is coming and it’s virtually arrived in Scotland.

  • Richard LeFrak

    Been back to the UK for property drama over the weekend. One I have got back but the scruffy swine left four loads of crap to be moved.

    The second one has been worded by the activists to take her to court and she would
    Welcome that..! Smashed the roof from inside out and it’s my fault. Set fire to the kitchen again my fault. Used her head or her boyfriends head to smash the sink, my fault..!

    It’s all costs and nothing back. Spoke to my letting agent about direction of travel and the explained to me that the amount of landlords exiting is incredible.

    Sat in front of her computer and she rattled off a dozen houses for sale by landlords exiting. When I say a dozen I am not joking.

    Anyway visiting including hotel and car hire is £1200 and after getting a property back probably £7k for new kitchen, decoration and carpets.

    Sat at Manchester airport having a pint and wondering WTF has happened to my country..!


    I feel the same.

    Another worry is the quality of people has steadily reduced over the generations. I think the old people in say their 60s took far more responsibility for their own actions, had better morals and made-do with second-hand things like furniture and cars. Today's entitled so-and-so's can't work, won't work. Don't want to take responsibility, are bought up being told all of their rights (over someone else's property...? etc), and want everything handed to them on a plate.

    They don't make for good tenants...

    Richard LeFrak

    Do you know Nick that is 100% correct, had the same conversation over the weekend with my business partner.

    In the UK now there appears to be zero respect for each other, zero ambition to make things better, zero self discipline. I have just turned 50 and I am absolutely ashamed of what I see.

    Grown men walking round dressed like crackheads and talking like they are not human. I was brought up on a council estate and understand the pressures and made sure I worked my balls off to get off there and make something of myself.

    There does not appear to be any of that work ethic anymore…


    Peter - I'm 46. I am shocked at the younger people in my offices sitting on Whatsapp. Don't want to work etc. Zooming in and out on electric bikes on pavements etc.

    I think there's a lot of benefits ethics these days. All teaching each other what to claim for. Now we are handing out £1,600 per month for Universal Basic Income no questions asked as part of a study. We are in records debt and these people are just literally giving money away.

    I can't imagine what people who worked hard 100 years ago would make of us now.

  • PossessionFriendUK PossessionFriend

    Pro-Tenant is the right description for these reforms.

    What possible justification could there be for Doubling the period a tenant can remain in Two MONTHS rental default, before being able to commence Notice and proceedings !


    The justification is that landlords are not people! They are scum as Angela Rayner might say. But all tenants are angels and need lots and lots and lots of protection all at the landlords' expense. The politicians and 'charities' certaintly are not going to suffer.

  • icon

    I think I need to sell all of my rental houses and buy sports cars to rent out.

    For example a Lamborghini LP560 Spyder rents out for between £560 - £!500 a day and has to be handed back on time.

    I can get more than 5% by just letting my money sit in a bank in the IOM. After repairs and expenses, that's more than I get for some rentals and this is with no mortgages to pay.

    And they wonder why landlords are selling up??

    Just another thought for the activists that think we should put millions of pounds into helping tenants have a home when we could invest in something better.

    I've stopped buying houses and now looking at better ways to spend my money.

    Well done Shelter and generation Rant. You have made your point and made good landlords leave the sector, thus making more people homeless.

    Congratulations, now what lies are you going to tell these homeless people that may now have to live in tents? Obviously you will blame landlords as you dont supply houses to help tenants.

    So, for the price of a house that I can rent out for this much a month and have constant headache I can earn more per day from car rental than I would in a month from renting a house??

    Maybe the government will finally be forced to build more homes instead of pleading to landlords to give them their houses?

    I dont think either scenario is going to happen.

    Housing shortage will get worse, rents will rise.....

    Government will blame it all on the landlords.


    I don't think you have factored in the maintenance costs of a Lamborghini L560 Spyder at all. Lamborghinis can bankrupt people. Also you won't be able to rent them out every day.

  • Franklin I

    What are they expecting, a 50% reduction in rent after landlords have been waiting for possession orders since November 2022? This may be overly optimistic.

    Rent prices, evictions and other related matters are influenced by various factors, and reforms alone may not lead to such a drastic decrease. Moreover, if LL's are not part of the equation, the reform bill may become ineffective. LL's with commonsense might choose to sell their properties instead of dealing with burdensome regulations/legislation. Striking a balance between tenant protection and LL interests is crucial for the success of any reforms.


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