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Pro-tenant activists recruit campaign staff for 2021 battle

Staff are being recruited by a coalition of groups campaigning for widespread restrictions on landlord powers in 2021.

Called the Renters Reform Coalition, the new group calls on the government to use the upcoming Renters’ Reform Bill to end section 21 evictions "and create a system within which renters feel empowered to stand up for their rights.”

The coalition includes Shelter, the National Union of Students, the London Renters Union and the office of London Mayor Sadiq Khan.


The coalition is managed by the high profile activists’ group, Generation Rent, which is led by Baroness Alicia Kennedy.

Generation Rent is advertising for two new Coalition staff to assist its own workforce to operate the campaign. 

A project manager role, with a salary of £33,000 pro rata, is accompanied by an administrative post on £24,000 pro rata.

One of the project manager’s key roles would be to “direct and assist coalition to develop legislative action that promotes the coalition mission by developing position statements; reviewing and recommending endorsements of policies, and briefings advocating for policies”. 

At the same time the successful candidate would be expected to “continually broaden expertise in the area of rent reform.”


Both positions are fixed term until the end of September and the coalition is moving fast - it started advertising at the end of last week and the closing date for applications is January 4.

The advertisements on the Generation Rent website include a broad statement that “the new Renters Reform Coalition are [sic] united in their mission to reform the private rented sector so that everyone who relies on it for their home can prosper. The coalition is [sic] funded by the Nationwide Foundation and is managed through Generation Rent.”

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  • icon

    Rabble rousers!

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    When this goes through (Rent reform) cos the gov are making some strange decisions at the moment watch how standard of existing inventory will plummet to the absolute minimum. LL’s will sell up to first time buyers and renters will have even less choice. Shelter will then be forced to campaign for LL’s to be forced to sell to housing associations ones that their people can control

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    Tenants have rights now and are perfectly able to stand up for them

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    That's democracy at work. Nothing wrong with that. Maybe landlords should form a similar group to campaign for their own interests. Bit like there's a pro-hunting pressure group and an anti-hunting pressure group: each side writing to their MPs and speaking to the media to make their respective cases. As I say, democracy at work.

    Yonnette  Roberts

    There are already landlord groups but most landlords don’t belong to any. I don’t agree with generation rent or shelter because I am not sure what tenants they are trying to save. After 40 years in this game most private tenants are doing ok. The ones that want my help are using the system or have bad landlord with bad attitude Shelter has come a long way with regards to advice which can be used by both landlords and tenants. Building more council properties is not the answer, increasing powers against landlords is also not the answer, especially with the most inefficient service like local authorities trying to enforce. Tenants are consumers and should be treated as such. Simplify and integrate landlord and tenant act, regs. Too many bodies enforcing and too many laws. Evictions for bad tenants need to be strength and reduce time for eviction. Sorry bad landlord, I don’t support you either you can’t get you paperwork wrong and then blame the system. You’re running a business so run it.


    It hasn’t escaped my notice that, in the main, Landlord’s really are a disorganised rabble. I’m a Landlord so I’m not just jumping on the bandwagon. I just feel Landlord’s should stop moaning and do something about the ridiculously cumbersome and continuous over regulation of the last few years. Collectively you have a voice that can and will be heard. If Landlords are as professional as they say they are, they will stop this lazy whining, join forces and take on the powers that be.
    Somehow I don’t think many have it in them though.


    By and large landlords eventually benefit from the lefties' misguided actions so aren't too worried for themselves. You will see a common thread is the harm done to decent tenants. It's they who need to act against the lefties who are hurting them but unfortunately most are unaware of the harm being done to them and the injustice of protecting rogue tenants.

  • Andrew McCausland

    I have no problem with a coalition of tenants action groups pushing their agenda. I only hope that the new body are less selective with their data than Generation Rent and more honest than Shelter have been in the past.

    An open and honest debate of the issues is welcome. A slagging match based on disinformation is not.

  • James B

    Do these morons ever think where all the tenants will live soon whilst they drive landlords out

    • 22 December 2020 10:44 AM

    Answer - NO!!!!!

    Yonnette  Roberts

    Well we know from history that private landlords will never go away. It’s still the best investment and too many small fries like to say how many properties they own. Do we want the big landlords back 🤔 it works in Europe so I guest why not.


    Biggest isn't best. Can you speak to the owner of the corner shop more easily than to Mr Tesco?

    The same would happen with huge corporate landlords. Be careful what you wish for!

    Tenants with a bad history or even no history would find huge corporate landlords impossible to deal with.


    @ Yannette, careful what you wish for, in my area the largest landlord is Norwich City Council, good luck trying to get any repairs done with them, and the standard of their housing stock is dreadful , most of my properties are now managed by a good local independent agent, however all tenants have my phone number and email address, they are welcome to contact me directly 24 / 7

  • Kristjan Byfield

    Personally feel they would be better off developing tools to enable tenants to better understand and enforce the myriad of existing rights/regs than a perpetual motion for more regs. I think most understand the push for the removal of S21s however this has to be balanced with stronger, faster rights for landlords to secure properties back from rogue tenants (and similarly- faster enforcement on rogue landlords too).


    Tenants don't read the information that they are already given. Anything further is just more work and another excuse to claim non-compliance to justify rent dodging etc.


    It amazes me the people (and not just tenants) that sign contracts without reading and understanding them first.

  • icon

    Tenents have way too many powers as it is and can get way with criminal behaviour with little to no combacks. Meanwhile LL are losing their rights more every year. No wonder so many packing it in. Good luck Gen rent when you have driven out most of your avaleble property's and are left with huge rental costs or rouge LL to chose from.

  • icon

    I would agree with every single one of you but.....

    I seem to read daily in the media that buy to let is still booming?- which quite frankly astounds me!! Why anyone want to enter this 'poison chalice' business in the current climate astounds me???

    If I wasn't trapped into my portfolio and my situation were different id be right outa here in a shot. Been in the business 30 years providing a quality service that has been appreciated by 100s, but the daily beatings dolled out by the government, media and authorities are out of control.

    As it is I've got no choice but to take the daily kick in the b*llocks.


    Ditto Paul


    I can't think of any safer home for my life savings and my kids' inheritance.

    I have been relatively lucky with around 300 tenants over nearly 30 years and only one eviction which had to go all the way to bailiffs - a DSS tenant which started as a single guy but soon moved in a girlfriend and 3 feral kids, stopping paying and wrecking the flat.

    Decent tenants need protecting from the lefties who help rogue tenants, not protecting from decent landlords.

  • icon

    Excellent news, how do i apply!

  • George Dawes

    Bring it on !

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    Battle? That sums up their position perfectly.

    They're not interested in better conditions for tenants. They are only interested in the destruction of capitalism.


    agenda 21

  • icon

    Surely if a "bad" tenant is evicted he will usually be replaced by another tenant who is looking to rent.


    Exactly! Probably by a decent tenant, but the lefties will do everything they can to delay that opportunity by encouraging the bad tenant to stay put until forced out.

  • icon

    Pro-Tenant Activist (so called) Campaign recruit staff for Battle 2021. Renters Reform Coalition new group ? Brand New Group where have you been anymore for the Band wagon.
    Anyone reading on here must know very few want to Evict Tenants. I see Robert only evicted one out of 300 (1:300 ratio)over 30 years, in my own case only 3 made it to County Court in 43 years out of 2000, so where is the issue only used as a last resort, and tolerate a great deal if rent is been paid, one of mine owed over a years Rent and had to be brought to a conclusion. The real reason as I have said before is the Council wants rid of Section 21 not the Tenant (its been an acid to Tenants)to avoid the necessity of having to house them when they arrive with a Court Order, so all those Groups parading as Tenants Friends are Rogues and frauds, it about time Tenants and LL's joined forces to oppose those Groups trying to drive a wedge between LL & Tenant spreading poison and damaging the Economy, there is enough of damage been done already with Brexit, Furlough disaster & the viruses without those wreckers. The Government should close down those Treasonable Groups, Private Members Bill Please, tell them to go and earn a living and stop sponging off LL's & Tenants.

  • James B

    The future is homeowner guarantors with any tenant no matter how secure they may look .. that’s the ultimate security for landlords

  • icon

    I too have been a landlord for over 30 years. I have never, or would never, serve notice or evict a decent, good quality and well intentioned tenant. Even one who fell on hard times. I know 100’s of supportive landlords where the same applies. All these Tenant support groups are doing is pandering to those in society who are just out for what they can get, and at the expense of those doing their best to secure theirs and their families future.
    Shelter, Generation Rent, Acorn et al are a disgusting blight on the decent and prudent. All they will ever achieve is more pain and suffering for the deserving and most vulnerable in society; simply by supporting scroungers, liars and lazy cheats. If only they could see beyond the end of their own noses.

  • PossessionFriendUK PossessionFriend

    Landlords are going to make Increasing demand for a Guarantor, If a potential tenant doesn't have a suitable Guarantor, then let them go to a Housing Association or the Council.
    Private landlords should be picking the best tenants, not the first or the worse.

  • icon

    Guys, this is the wrong forum. We all need to be actively engaging with our MPs, local news outlets and social media to provide a counter narrative. These loud, vocal, fringe campaigners (like BLM and XR) gain traction because normal people roll their eyes, stick their heads down and just try to get on with life. By the time they raise their head again, it's too late and the lunatics have taken over the asylum. If the Renters Reform Coalition are planning for a blitz campaign, ending next September, we all ought to be prepared to do the same. It's only nine months.

    • 23 December 2020 19:17 PM

    Then how do we do it?
    We need a tame Politian in the first place and one that also is a LL him/herself?

    Any ideas?


    Tried mine, but, she doesn’t even respond! We will keep trying though.

    • 17 January 2021 10:33 AM

    Has to be non stop and you can force a face to face with your local MP at their weekly surgeries, and they are obliged by law to give you face time........

    .....They cannot get away from it.

  • icon

    Hi Laura B. I respect your views and have written to my MP. many times just counted over 30 magnolia envelopes from House of Commons not that anything changes so just to say that platform has been well tried and tested. Unfortunately my MP, represents a Benefit Claimant Strong hold probably more Claimants than tax payers hence he has been re-elected 6 times I believe each time with a bigger majority. He is a very nice guy educated in Havard and always seems sympathetic but as a LL don't expect any meaningful help down that avenue. Please do try your MP you might have better luck and I appreciate your intelligent suggestion.

  • icon

    I have written to my MP , George Freeman, sympathy, empty promisses and bull s***.

  • icon

    Keep writing to your MP’s again, again and again. Encourage your colleagues, friends and other Landlords to the same. Then do it again next month, then again the month after. We all have to pull our fingers out to create momentum (no pun intended). Otherwise sit back, do nothing and repent at your leisure.
    No excuses, just do it. Happy New Year to everyone!

    • 17 January 2021 04:14 AM

    We should all do this NOW!

  • icon

    Councils are the uks biggest LLs and the worst, fact!

  • John  Bentley

    Can anybody tell me if It's illegal not to issue an AST to a new tenant in a self contained flat? If we were both happy with a verbal agreement? If not illegal would it be a disadvantage to the landlord? Thanks in advance for any advice.

  • icon

    Statutory Periodic TA will do.

  • icon

    Statatory Periodic can be done in an email, as long as both sides agree back to each other and confirm same re the Protected Deposit

  • icon

    Sorry miss read you said a new tenant,, SP TA only applicable for an exsisting tenant. Sorry.


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