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Shelter campaigns chief to be paid over £100,000

Campaigning charity Shelter - which has frequently been critical of landlords and their alleged treatment of poorer tenants - is advertising a senior campaigning job at a salary of £108,000.

The Shelter post is Director of Communications, Policy and Campaigns and is described in Shelter’s advertisement as appropriate for “a senior leader who is seeking the most exciting role in their career to date.”

The post is advertised as full time and the successful candidate will be expected to work 37.5 hours a week.


The advertisement says the post-holder will lead a team which “is a large geographically dispersed and passionate team at Shelter, where we're dedicated to defending the right to a safe home … at the forefront of driving change in the housing landscape of Britain [and] comprising experts in campaigning, organising, policy development, marketing, communication, and digital innovation.”

The post will coordinate a “highly motivated directorate to develop evidence-based solutions to the housing emergency and garner support for them among local communities, policymakers, politicians, and the wider public” and play a prominent role in developing the charity’s next strategic plan from April 2025.

In December 2022 over 600 staff at Shelter staged a fortnight of strike action on Monday in a dispute over pay. At that time the Unite union said a three per cent pay increase that year had left some staff unable to pay their rent and worried about the possibility of becoming homeless themselves.

In January 2023 the industrial action ended and a revised pay offer was accepted by Unite after talks were held at the conciliation service ACAS. 

In recent days Shelter has warned that the government’s failure to abolish Section 21 evictions would backfire and that “renters will remember who stood with them” at the General Election later this year.

The campaigning charity claims that latest figures show 26,311 households in England have been removed from their homes by court bailiffs as a result of Section 21 since the government first promised to scrap them back in 2019.  The figures on repossession and evictions released by the Ministry of Justice also show 9,457 households were evicted from their homes by bailiffs in the past year, up by 49 per cent from 6,399 households in 2022.   

A further 30,230 landlords in England started Section 21 eviction court proceedings in 2023 – a 28 per cent rise in one year.  

The charity claims that Section 21 evictions are a major contributing factor to rising homelessness because they allow the eviction of tenants with two months’ notice without having to give a reason. It says most renters move out before the end of this notice period to avoid the eviction claim going to court.

Shelter claims that its research shows that it took a third of tenants longer than two months to find a new home the last time they moved, “leaving many to face the terrifying threat of homelessness" once an eviction notice lands on their doormat.

The government first promised to scrap S21 in its 2019 manifesto. In May 2023 it committed to the policy by publishing the Renters Reform Bill. Since then, the government has said the ban will only be introduced after unspecified court reforms take place.

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  • icon

    How much? 🤬🤬🤬

    Just think how many people that could actually house rather than just giving them advice. Shelter, the charity that houses nobody.😠

    • B L
    • 12 February 2024 02:00 AM

    11,200 charity shops across the UK. Each charity shop provides 1 or 2 job opportunities and accommodations. Problems solved.

  • icon

    Nice little earner 😂💵💵💵, who knew that providing zero homes was so lucrative 🎉🎉 Kerching 👍🏻

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  • icon

    Nice. Think I’ll go for this job myself. Nice little earner. More money, less work and stress being a landlord.


    We should plant a Landlord in the job. Change things from within.


    John, Now that is a deliciously evil idea. First remove Polly Bleat - perhaps discovering that she is renting a property to illegal immigrants?


    When I was a student over 50 years ago, a covert Tory joined the University Communist Party and got himself elected editor of the Leftie University magazine. He changed the tone of all the vitriolic articles and wrote a few of his own, before sending it off to be printed.

    The ructions were hilarious but sadly short lived and he only edited that one edition. I wish I had kept some copies!

    We should deluge Shelter with applications making sure we're identifying as disabled self identifying trans activists expelled from every LBGTQ+ and all left wing organisations for being too extreme.

    Alternatively we could admit to being the most discriminated of all minority ethnic groups - no strong religious affiliation, right of centre, tax paying, financially literate and stable, able bodied, Anglo Saxon, middle class, property owning, non benefit claiming, native Britons?

    How could they possibly choose between us?

  • icon

    Charity money used to feather nests. Sounds extremely fraudulent to me. When will the country wake up to these corporate businesses that claim to be charities?


    There are many other charities out there doing just the same

    • B L
    • 12 February 2024 12:44 PM

    Some of them are money laundry windows. Our relative adopted an orphan, rather than doing donations that no idea where the money flows.

  • Richard LeFrak

    When you have this amount of workers and higher management on these salaries then they cease to be a charity. They are nothing more than a corporate entity that pays no tax.

    This is the kind of thing that needs addressing, why is Gove and his chums not looking at this?!?! Oh I forgot he is too busy popping a shape into Badenoch's mate..!

  • icon

    Noses in troughs, pure and simple, take their charity status away from them, no longer a charity

  • icon

    Why is Shelter telling us about the increase in Evictions last year when they are directly responsible for the increase, do they want a reward or something.
    Total abuse of Charity Status why not house some people instead of offering a job for £108k to do even more damage, is it all soft money try being a landlord, and from what I remember when the previous CEO’s Collin Robb handed her the job on a plate he was on £156k….

  • icon

    I wish I made anywhere near that amount of money for all the sacrifices I have made over the years to house other people and work on top of that, no luxuries or perks of any kind, all whilst suffering from at times crippling disability. And they seem to take the view that we should not be allowed to make any money for our efforts or have any say over our possessions, if the rhetoric is anything to go by.
    Incidentally, the upcoming ban on section 21, ostensibly to help younger renters, just means that nobody will touch them with a bargepole in future or will hike up the rent to compensate.

  • icon

    Scandalous behaviour by CEO ultimately responsible.
    So £108k for one person to do as much damage as possibles e.
    What’s that roughly for argument sake £56.00 ph,
    56 X 37.5h = £2’100 pw or £9’100.00 pm they could rent 4/5 houses for that and house about 30 homeless people instead of employing one person to sit on their bottom playing with their mouse.

  • icon
    • L C
    • 12 February 2024 09:42 AM

    Think how many tenants that could help. Scandalous money grabbers.

  • icon

    They want someone who is 'forefront to driving change'.
    Yes, that change will result in even less properties available for rent and more homelessness. Only the ones who would stay for long period would be the ones waiting for court action or bailiff to evict them. Some decent tenants who persistently pay rent and look after their home will stay. Otherwise, there are no incentives to rent out properties at all. Sell what LL's can and leave others empty if no decent tenants available. No to UC tenants unless rent paid directly. However, this can go wrong to. Shelter and Generation rant needs to be closed down, as they are not fit for purpose, just filling their own coffers with other people's contribution. Nationwide on their websites says Donate to help homeless, but they are helping to fill Polly Bleat and Ben Toomeys greed for just moving their mouse over coffees and brainstorming. Do not trust Nationwide and TMW.

  • icon

    Their should be a limit to how much a charity worker gets paid. Charity workers should do the job because they are passionate about the cause, not the great pay.


    National Living Wage perhaps?

  • icon

    Welcome to the racketeering culture of so-called executive management, many of who could not manage their own w-st- orifices.
    we have to thank the other crooked lot 95% of our MPs, who live in a different universe. Subsidise pubs and restaurants, All expenses, two+ homes. etc. etc. etc. and a measly £85 to90K salary.


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