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KEYWORD "Charity" - 100 RESULTS
Shelter angry at ever-rising council spend on homelessness

Campaigning charity Shelter has responded angrily to new figures showing that councils are spending ever-more on temporary accommodation for homeless households...

30 August 2024

From: Breaking News

Crimestoppers’ advice to landlords about energy theft by tenants

Crimestoppers’ figures reveal that there have already been 6,058 reports on suspicions of energy theft so far this year (January –...

24 August 2024

From: Agent Advice

Crimestoppers advises tenants about landlords stealing energy

A Crimestoppers campaign is advising tenants on - in its words - “how to spot if your landlord is stealing energy.” The...

13 August 2024

From: Breaking News

Shelter renews demand for government to scrap Section 21

Campaigning charity Shelter says the loss of a private tenancy remains “the leading trigger of homelessness accounting for more than one...

12 August 2024

From: Breaking News

Charity back on warpath about private rental standards

Citizens Advice has made further criticisms of the private rental sector and landlords. At the start of the year a spokesperson accused...

26 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Government warned not to allow ‘backdoor evictions’ when S21 goes

The government has been warned by a charity not to weaken its commitment to scrapping Section 21 by allowing ‘backdoor evictions’...

24 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Farage ’will reverse S24 Landlord Tax Change within 100 days’

Nigel Farage has pledged that his Reform UK party would reverse the Section 24 landlord tax changes within 100 days. Section 24...

18 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Shelter complains of high private rents - but has an alternative

Campaigning charity Shelter claims social rents are 64% more affordable than private rents, with social tenants in England having to pay...

03 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Right To Buy set to slash housing stock still further - warning

England’s dwindling social housing stock is poised to plummet by an additional 189,000 properties through the controversial Right to Buy scheme...

24 May 2024

From: Breaking News

They Think It’s All Over - renter activists unhappy about Reform Bill

In theory the Renters Reform Bill could become law if government and opposition agree to prioritise it in the few remaining...

23 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Now a cat charity complains about landlords’ S21 and no-pets policies

A cat charity claims it takes in an average of three cats daily because of landlords using Section 21 powers to...

21 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Soaring interest rates claim more landlords as possessions rise

New figures from the Ministry of Justice show how hard interest rate rises are hitting landlords. Compared to the same quarter in...

17 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Shelter offers high salary to fill ‘Activism and Advocacy’ post

Charity Shelter is advertising for the post of ‘Assistant Director: Activism and Advocacy’ - with the postholder charged with supporting “...

02 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Shelter claims evictions cost tenants £669 on average

Renters allegedly pay £669 in un-recoverable costs for each ‘unwanted’ move as a result of eviction, claims campaigning charity Shelter. It says...

18 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Call for “sentencing guidelines” to punish landlords over licensing

A charity is calling for landlord licensing schemes which cost enough to fund annual inspections, and the issuing of “sentencing guidelines”...

28 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Older Renters’ group takes up Generation Rent’s demands

A charity representing older people has taken up almost all of the key demands of activist group Generation Rent. Independent Age says...

22 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Energy Theft is ticking time bomb for rental sector - claim

Anonymous reports of energy theft have skyrocketed by 62% since 2021, Crimestoppers’ figures reveal.  In 2023 alone, the charity received 11,552 reports...

22 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Gove urged to force landlords into deals with tenants in arrears

A string of debt advice charities want Housing Secretary Michael Gove to go well beyond merely banning Section 21 in a...

14 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Pet-owning tenants ‘cause less damage than non-owners’ - new figures

Landlords are being accused by academics of under-estimating the cost of allowing pets, and under-estimating their financial benefits. A new report commissioned...

08 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Khan funds group “intervening on the doorstep” at evictions

London Mayor Sadiq Khan is demanding the government finally abolish Section 21 eviction powers - and claims over 30,000 households in...

04 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Generation Rent: homeless data shows “whole new level of horror”

Activist group Generation Rent has described the latest homelessness data from the government as showing “a whole new level of horror.” It...

01 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Countryside campaigners back Gove on short lets clampdown

Countryside campaigning charity CPRE has given a warm welcome to Michael Gove’s clampdown on short lets. Last week Housing Secretary Gove announced...

26 February 2024

From: Breaking News

Landmark joint session between NRLA and homelessness charity

The National Residential Landlords Association will jointly host a networking and information session with homelessness charity Crisis. It will take place on...

23 February 2024

From: Breaking News

Shelter campaigns chief to be paid over £100,000

Campaigning charity Shelter - which has frequently been critical of landlords and their alleged treatment of poorer tenants - is advertising...

12 February 2024

From: Breaking News

The Sneaky Seven - more expert tax info for landlords

Painful tax traps have been set for millions of people this year. Your pay may not even have kept pace with...

27 January 2024

From: Tax & Finance

Shelter links with High Street bank to campaign on housing

HSBC bank is working with Shelter on housing campaigns. A statement from the charity says: “With support from partners including HSBC UK,...

25 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Free Renters Reform Bill teach-in for landlords of students

As the Renters Reform Bill heads towards the House of Lords, a free webinar is targeting landlords operating in the student...

12 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Section 21: Rental sector supplier hits back at Citizens Advice claims

A rental sector insurance firm has hit back at claims made about Section 21 by the charity Citizens Advice. A spokesperson for...

11 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Citizens Advice claims landlords evict tenants “to avoid doing repairs”

A spokesperson for the Citizens Advice charity has claimed at a public meeting that private landlords serve Section 21 notices on...

02 January 2024

From: Breaking News

HMRC Self-Assessment Helpline slammed for not helping callers

A business consultancy claims the HMNRC Self-Assessment helpline - set up to assist those compiling and filing tax returns as the...

21 December 2023

From: Breaking News

Shelter boss says “skyrocketing rents” are cause of homelessness

The chief executive of campaigning charity Shelter is blaming “skyrocketing rents” for a crisis of homelessness. As part of an appeal for...

14 December 2023

From: Breaking News

Shelter’s Renters Reform Bill petition nears target threshold

Campaigning charity Shelter is nearing a controversial signature threshold in its petition about the Renters Reform Bill. It now has over 123,000 of...

11 December 2023

From: Breaking News

Slap taxes on short lets and holiday homes, urges countryside charity

A countryside body is blaming the government’s failure to provide affordable housing and the rise in short lets for a homelessness...

06 December 2023

From: Breaking News

Shelter wants Local Housing Allowance rise now, not in April

Campaigning charity Shelter has welcomed the decision by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt to unfreeze Local Housing Allowance - but it wants it...

24 November 2023

From: Breaking News

Hunt’s dramatic Local Housing Allowance move not enough for activists

Many have welcomed the move by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt to unfreeze the Local Housing Allowance - but some tenant activists say...

23 November 2023

From: Breaking News

Tax grab soars as Chancellor ponders Autumn Statement giveaway

There may be tax cuts in today’s Autumn Statement if government-fuelled rumours are to be believed - but there’s been a...

22 November 2023

From: Breaking News

Shelter goes on warpath ahead of festive fundraising campaign

Shelter has issued new claims about homelessness triggered in part by private rents, as it prepares for its annual festive fundraising...

17 November 2023

From: Breaking News

Charity repeats claim scrapping S21 will reduce homelessness

A charity is suggesting that if only the government got on with abolishing S21 eviction powers, homelessness would be eased. Crisis -...

16 November 2023

From: Breaking News

Shelter claims s21 eviction court proceedings hit seven-year high 

New Ministry of Justice data shows that between July and September 8,399 landlords in England started Section 21 no fault eviction...

10 November 2023

From: Breaking News

Council declares Housing Emergency ‘with private rents partly to blame’

A major council has declared a Housing Emergency for its city, attributing part of the problem to rising private rents. A statement...

06 November 2023

From: Breaking News

Electrical Checks - new guidance launched for landlords

New guidance has been launched on how to conduct thorough electrical safety checks on private rentals, and how to report any...

02 November 2023

From: Breaking News

Landlords challenge Shelter and allies to explain social media claims

Claims on social media by a leader of the Renters Reform Coalition - who is also a contributor to a Labour-supporting website...

01 November 2023

From: Breaking News

Pet charity insists Renters Reform Bill must become law rapidly

Battersea, the charity behind the Pet Friendly Properties campaign, says the Renters Reform Bill must become law as soon as possible. Battersea...

25 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Date set for Renters Reform Bill next stage

The Renters Reform Bill is to get its long awaited Second Reading on Monday, October 23. The claim comes from the Financial Times...

18 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Hardline activists claim over 600,000 evictions using Section 21

The hardline activist group Acorn - part of the Renters Reform Coalition involving Generation Rent - now claims that some 600,000...

02 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Landlords should offer ‘easy repayment’ arrears, says charity

A new poll from the StepChange Debt Charity claims that over a third of private renters have used some form of...

21 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Older tenants distraught at Renters Reform Bill delay - claim

A charity claims that apparent delays to the Renters Reform Bill, which has yet to get a Second Reading in the...

18 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Should Landlords Be Given Buy To Let Mortgage Support?

To help or not to help: that is the question the government is facing with regard to under-pressure private rented sector...

16 September 2023

From: Tax & Finance

Bank accuses landlords of evicting older tenants in record numbers

The Co-Op Bank, which is leading a campaign alongside charity Shelter, claims a Section 21 notice is presented to an older...

11 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Activists use Shelter campaign to renew Section 21 call

Generation Rent says Shelter has it right when it complains about evictions in the private rental sector. Earlier this week Shelter claimed...

24 August 2023

From: Breaking News

Shelter claims many renters are ‘one cheque from homelessness’

Campaigning charity Shelter claims that half the working private renters in England have too little saved to pay rent for more...

22 August 2023

From: Breaking News

Charity acknowledges that landlords need help to keep homes

A charity has acknowledged that landlords need help to keep their homes, and in turn continue to provide much-needed homes in...

15 August 2023

From: Breaking News

Homelessness charity boss reported to be on £189,000

Homelessness charities often berate private landlords for putting income before service to tenants. But a bitter dispute at one organisation has apparently revealed...

10 August 2023

From: Breaking News

Shelter blames Section 21 for increasing homelessness

New government figures show 79,840 households faced homelessness in England between January and March 2023 – the highest number on record.  Now...

26 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Shock for ‘charity landlord’ hit with enormous fine

Nirpaul Riat’s career as a rogue landlord has ended after judges in London fined him £300,000 following two decades of managing...

26 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Co-Op Bank joins Shelter in new anti-eviction campaign

Campaigning charity Shelter has won the backing of the Co-Op Bank for a new anti-eviction drive. The bank has funded Shelter research...

20 July 2023

From: Breaking News

At Last! Rogue Landlords to be driven from Supported Housing

The Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Bill has passed its third reading in the House of Lords and is set to become law...

24 June 2023

From: Legislation & Compliance

Government must help private tenants, charity demands

A charity is warning that growing numbers of private tenants are likely to have difficulties keeping up with their financial commitments. The...

23 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Landlords accused of using rent rises as 'backdoor evictions'

A charity claims some landlords are using what it calls “excessive” rent rises to effectively evict tenants. Citizens Advice says the Renters...

16 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Landlords hire fake bailiffs to get tenants out, claims charity

A charity is reported to be claiming that increasing numbers of landlords use security guards dressed as bailiffs to help evict...

06 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Private renters twice as likely to be in problem debt

A charity claims that private renters are about twice as likely as the general population to be in problem debt. StepChange, via...

23 May 2023

From: Breaking News

Shelter and Crisis make new claims about Section 21 evictions

A charity claims that landlords across England and Wales are seeking to evict tenants using Section 21 powers at a higher...

22 May 2023

From: Breaking News

Should illegally evicted tenants get damages from landlords?

A study of almost four years of cases reported to Citizens Advice has suggested that illegal eviction and landlord harassment are...

25 April 2023

From: Breaking News

Braverman clampdown on sex-pest landlords with new law

A new law is being considered to crack down on predatory landlords exploiting vulnerable people for sex in return for free...

24 April 2023

From: Breaking News

Top Tories and Shelter release blueprint for rental reform

A Conservative-leaning think tank and campaigning charity Shelter have released a book of essays on renting and housing. A statement from Bright...

04 April 2023

From: Breaking News

Shelter claims more evictions for tenants who demand repairs

Shelter claims that private renters who complained to their landlord, letting agent or local council in the last three years were...

30 March 2023

From: Breaking News

IKEA teams up with Shelter to highlight homelessness issue

Flat-pack furniture giant IKEA has teamed up with campaigning charity Shelter to highlight the issue of homelessness. The Scandinavian firm, citing Shelter’s...

09 March 2023

From: Breaking News

Landlords should pay more to avoid mould and damp - charity

A charity wants the government to be tougher with private landlords over issues like damp and mould. Citizens Advice claims that its research...

23 February 2023

From: Breaking News

Landlords ‘must accept Pets in Lets’ - campaign begins

Two of the UK’s highest profile animal welfare organisations want the government to introduce better protection for responsible tenants with pets. Dogs...

08 February 2023

From: Breaking News

Council using charity to chase landlords to boost EPCs

A federation of charities wants landlords and tenants to get in touch to discuss energy efficiency in private rental properties. ‘Groundwork’ is...

07 February 2023

From: Breaking News

Tax Self-Assessment: Top Tips for a Last-Minute Return

Landlords making self-assessment tax returns may already be starting to sweat - the deadline is midnight on January 31. Overall - landlords...

21 January 2023

From: Tax & Finance

Shelter management cave in finally ends pay dispute

Shelter’s controversial management appears to have given in to pay demands in order to end a high-profile strike by the campaigning...

17 January 2023

From: Breaking News

Shelter claims over 250,000 homeless in England alone

Campaigning charity Shelter claims that “at least” 271,000 are homeless in England alone. The figure - compiled from a Freedom of Information...

11 January 2023

From: Breaking News

Shelter Strike - union balloting charity staff on next step

A strike by members of Unite, employed by the charity Shelter, has been suspended pending a ballot on a new pay...

20 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Surprise link between landlords and charity opposing Section 21

They have taken differing views on Section 21 powers but now the National Residential Landlords Association and homelessness charity Crisis have...

15 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Activists turn on “derisory” Shelter management

Tenant activists have turned on the bosses of Shelter - just as the charity wants to maximise income from its annual Christmas...

15 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Charity claims 15% of private renters “face eviction this winter”

A charity claims 15 per cent of private renters believe they face eviction this winter. Homelessness charity Crisis polled 2,000 people -...

13 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Why doesn’t Shelter use its millions to pay its staff more?

Over 600 workers at the campaigning charity Shelter have started a fortnight of strike action in what the trades union Unite calls...

06 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Shelter makes new claims on arrears and eviction threats

Campaigning charity Shelter claims that last month 482,000 private renters were behind on their rent. It also claims that 504,000 people have...

01 December 2022

From: Breaking News

How Landlords Can Minimise Inheritance Tax

New figures from HMRC this week show that the Treasury raked in another £4.1 billion in inheritance tax receipts in the...

26 November 2022

From: Tax & Finance

Shelter claims dramatic rise in Section 21 evictions

Shelter claims government figures show 5,940 households were “threatened with homelessness” in England as a result of Section 21 evictions between April...

25 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Charity claims rent rises contribute to homelessness problem

The charity Crisis says rising rents are a contributing factor to the homelessness crisis. The comment come as  new data from the...

24 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Housing Benefit Bombshell - will freeze lead to soaring arrears?

The freezing of Housing Benefit at 2020 levels, announced in the small print accompanying the Autumn Statement yesterday, risks leading to...

18 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Rental Reform Now! Charity wants help for tenants

Crisis, the homelessness charity, is demanding financial and legislative help for tenants. Matt Downie, Crisis chief executive, says: “This is a time of...

14 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Shelter signs Christmas funding deal with Marks & Spencer

Campaigning charity Shelter is warning this winter could be one of the toughest yet - and it claims high rents are...

10 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Landlords accused of discrimination by charity and council

Richmond council in London is joining forces with the charity Citizens Advice to help stop what it calls ‘discrimination’ against renters...

02 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Airbnb accused of using charity to disguise housing market damage

The charity Action on Empty Homes, which is mounting a campaign against short let properties, has attacked Airbnb for making a...

28 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Activists welcome 'friend' Michael Gove into housing hot seat

Generation Rent, the activist group led by Baroness Alicia Kennedy, has given a warm welcome to the return of Michael Gove...

26 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Airbnb charm offensive goes on with huge charity donation

Airbnb has made a £1.25m donation to English Heritage, supporting the charity’s conservation and repair of historic houses, castles, abbeys and...

25 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Shelter teams up with bank to offer “renter support initiative”

Campaigning charity Shelter is partnering with HSBC’s First Direct bank to provide what it calls its first “renter support initiative” called...

20 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Angry activists accuse Truss of Section 21 betrayal

The government’s expected U-turn on the future of Section 21 eviction powers has provoked an explosion of anger from Generation Rent...

12 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Shelter wants Truss and Starmer to take rental reform seriously

Private renting voters could be critical in deciding the outcome of the next General Election, according to Shelter. The campaigning charity -...

10 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Shamplina Speaks - Rent Rises: what's happening on the ground?

As I write this, the Chancellor of the Exchequer has gone back on his mini budget plan to abolish the 45p...

08 October 2022

From: The Big Issues

Probe launched into national landlord register and council licensing

An organisation that describes itself as ‘politically independent and a charity’ is launching a probe into how further regulation could help...

05 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Shelter to hear from MP demanding register of Airbnb hosts

The charity Shelter is organising a fringe meeting at next week’s Conservative party conference, with a prominent campaigner for a mandatory...

30 September 2022

From: Breaking News

Labour criticises Budget for not including rent freeze

The mini-Budget was always billed as a tax-cutting, growth-generating affair - and so it proved - but Labour has criticised it...

26 September 2022

From: Breaking News

Shelter demands more cash for tenants facing rent rise “timebomb”

Shelter claims that almost 1.1m private renters in England – one in seven – had their rent increased in the last...

23 September 2022

From: Breaking News

Take That! Landlords hit back at Shelter’s latest claims

Landlords have hit back at claims made by Shelter overnight, suggesting that one in seven private tenants in the UK have...

23 September 2022

From: Breaking News

Low-income tenants face ‘housing black hole’ says Zoopla

Zoopla is warning that low-income renters across England are facing a ‘housing black hole’ due to soaring rents and the freeze...

26 August 2022

From: Breaking News

Evictions - Activist Baroness demands rent freeze, says worse to come

New government figures show 3,405 households in the private rented sector were evicted by bailiffs in England between April and June this year...

15 August 2022

From: Breaking News

MovePal MovePal MovePal