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Council-funded lettings body tries to seduce landlords with rent guarantees

An agency that works with over 170 councils is promising rent guarantees and insurance cover to landlords who volunteer their properties for local authority use.

A statement from Help2Rent - which calls itself “a local authority-funded social and private housing provider” - says it collaborates with over 173 councils nationwide, including key areas like Birmingham, London, Newcastle and Manchester. 

“Properties are required all over the UK, meaning every area will be considered” it says.


It offers landlords one month's rent in advance, one month’s deposit and what it calls a “unique rent guarantee insurance policy, which is backed by Royal Sun Alliance and LPG (Legal Protection group).”

This policy covers “sustainability rent guaranteed for 24 months (dependant on local authority)” for up to £2,500 monthly rental coverage.

There’s legal protection up to £25,000 and mediation coverage up to £330.

Landlords must have gas, electricity and energy performance certificates in place.

Help2Rent says: “Being that we are funded by the local councils meaning there is no cost to you, our services are completely FREE.”

It continues: “Along with this we mentor all tenants to ensure tenancy sustainability and to make sure rent is paid on time through universal credit. This is also coupled with the fact that we also schedule APA to ensure that all universal credit payments go directly to you or the landlord.”

The agency adds that it assists in “avoiding evictions and addressing barriers to sustainable tenancy” and “helping with rent arrears repayment” plus “resolving disputes around repairs and tenancy agreements.”

Finally it says that “if a property's rent is deemed too high, we can offer market rates. However, there would be no upfront payments as we guarantee rent directly from us, in arrears. We would take the property under full management and cover all non-structural damages to the property equal to a month’s rent.”

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  • George Dawes

    I'll pass thx

    Franki  Pellicci

    TRGC.... The Rent Guarantee Company!!!
    It was July 17th 2023 when me and my little fella had to go into temporary accommodation, because our landlord was selling the property we were in.
    I was told by email from the temporary accommodation department of EFDC to meet people in a car park close to the property and collect keys. Then a postcode was forwarded..
    I met them and they gave me the keys..... no contract, no paperwork, no signatures! It all felt shady and wrong.....but the council had put me and my baby here...so I thought, it must be safe!
    The flat was filthy and doors where hanging off in the kitchen, they promised to fix these problems.....but never did...
    After 6 months the council said me and my baby were intentionally homeless....
    That's when I first see Trgc's true colours.....
    Bully's without brains....the type of people that make you feel extremely nauseous 🤢
    The story becomes so much worse.....
    I was so scared to leave my flat I couldn't even take my little boy to Nursery because I thought they would smash my door down!!
    Hertfordshire social services came to mine & my sons rescue and began paying Trgc around £1300 a month......
    When April came EFDC sent me a letter (which ive attached to this email) saying they are paying trgc £298 a week for the property!!!
    SO...... Trgc had been getting rent from Hertfordshire social services AND Epping Forest almost £6000 !!!
    So by now we have established the TRGC company are greedy bully liers!! So not very nice people!!
    However it gets much worse!!
    I was at the flat with the little fella on Tuesday 30th April when Muhammad (Mo) from Trgc called me around 10ish, he said he was in the area and could he pop up to check the gas meter. I said the baby was home as he had a upset tummy but it would be fine.
    What happened next will chill you to the core.
    Muhammad pretended it was him at my door tapping gently, my little 3 year old boy ran to open it and LOADS of massive Men with riot shields smashed in... sending my boy flying to the floor! I was hysterical .... one of the men grabbed me and my Son and locked us in our living room/kitchen area. They wouldn't let us out..... one of the men was holding the door handle up...I was screaming for help!!!
    Eventually the drilling, smashing and shouting stopped.

    Gjergji and I were holding each other sitting on the sofa, crying and in complete shock.
    Two police officers came into the room and for a moment I felt safe. However that was short lived.... as a few minutes later a middle aged male officer ran into the livingroom shouting she's under arrest (pointing at me!) I just couldn't understand why or how this was happening!!! 

    I suffer with Bipolar and its extremely important that i take my medication regularly. But this officer wouldn't allow me to take my medication with me... I pleaded with him to interview me at home as both myself and my son were traumatised. But this officer decided to handcuff me in front of Gjergji and drag me away from him.....

    Then these officers handed over my little boy to a man, they asked him for no identification and allowed him into my property and to take my son......luckily it was the child's father,  however he has no legal right to be in our home and certainly no legal right to take my son without my consent. Which social services are fully aware of.

    Thank goodness my sons father did take my Son to my mother's home, where 9 hours later police officers rushed around to, presumably because they had worked out there mistake. Basically they had allowed a man without any identification required to not only enter my property but also take my son.

    I can never repair what my boy went through that day.... he was screaming, begging the police please... don't take my Mummy!!! It was utterly heartbreaking.....

    Bearing in mind we were the victims....

    There is absolutely no doubt that Trgc ( The Rent Garentee Company) have broken the law. If that front door had hit my 3 year old toddler in his head rather than his arm it doesn't bare thinking about what could have happen!

    The facts are that this company has absolutely no lawful reason to evict me & Gjergji. They were being paid by two local authorities and They new he was in the property when they attacked. They new I had Bipolar and by law needed one on my health workers or one of my Social workers present. No one was told , No one was warned and it has been a completely horrific experience.

    Independent doctors have recorded my sons injuries as considered with the explanation and body cam footage clearly shows him at the door when it was smashed into him.

    Please can you help my son get justice by telling our story.

    Franki Pellicci

  • icon

    It’s not FREE. Councils have no money, it comes from council taxpayers.
    Rent paid in arrears?
    Cover all non-structural damage equal to a month’s rent?

    Any landlord taking up those terms deserves all they get.😠

    Franki  Pellicci

    It was July 17th 2023 when me and my little fella had to go into temporary accommodation, because our landlord was selling the property we were in.
    I was told by email from the temporary accommodation department of EFDC to meet people in a car park close to the property and collect keys. Then a postcode was forwarded..
    I met them and they gave me the keys..... no contract, no paperwork, no signatures! It all felt shady and wrong.....but the council had put me and my baby here...so I thought, it must be safe!
    The flat was filthy and doors where hanging off in the kitchen, they promised to fix these problems.....but never did...
    After 6 months the council said me and my baby were intentionally homeless....
    That's when I first see Trgc's true colours.....
    Bully's without brains....the type of people that make you feel extremely nauseous 🤢
    The story becomes so much worse.....
    I was so scared to leave my flat I couldn't even take my little boy to Nursery because I thought they would smash my door down!!
    Hertfordshire social services came to mine & my sons rescue and began paying Trgc around £1300 a month......
    When April came EFDC sent me a letter (which ive attached to this email) saying they are paying trgc £298 a week for the property!!!
    SO...... Trgc had been getting rent from Hertfordshire social services AND Epping Forest almost £6000 !!!
    So by now we have established the TRGC company are greedy bully liers!! So not very nice people!!
    However it gets much worse!!
    I was at the flat with the little fella on Tuesday 30th April when Muhammad (Mo) from Trgc called me around 10ish, he said he was in the area and could he pop up to check the gas meter. I said the baby was home as he had a upset tummy but it would be fine.
    What happened next will chill you to the core.
    Muhammad pretended it was him at my door tapping gently, my little 3 year old boy ran to open it and LOADS of massive Men with riot shields smashed in... sending my boy flying to the floor! I was hysterical .... one of the men grabbed me and my Son and locked us in our living room/kitchen area. They wouldn't let us out..... one of the men was holding the door handle up...I was screaming for help!!!
    Eventually the drilling, smashing and shouting stopped.

    Gjergji and I were holding each other sitting on the sofa, crying and in complete shock.
    Two police officers came into the room and for a moment I felt safe. However that was short lived.... as a few minutes later a middle aged male officer ran into the livingroom shouting she's under arrest (pointing at me!) I just couldn't understand why or how this was happening!!! 

    I suffer with Bipolar and its extremely important that i take my medication regularly. But this officer wouldn't allow me to take my medication with me... I pleaded with him to interview me at home as both myself and my son were traumatised. But this officer decided to handcuff me in front of Gjergji and drag me away from him.....

    Then these officers handed over my little boy to a man, they asked him for no identification and allowed him into my property and to take my son......luckily it was the child's father,  however he has no legal right to be in our home and certainly no legal right to take my son without my consent. Which social services are fully aware of.

    Thank goodness my sons father did take my Son to my mother's home, where 9 hours later police officers rushed around to, presumably because they had worked out there mistake. Basically they had allowed a man without any identification required to not only enter my property but also take my son.

    I can never repair what my boy went through that day.... he was screaming, begging the police please... don't take my Mummy!!! It was utterly heartbreaking.....

    Bearing in mind we were the victims....

    There is absolutely no doubt that Trgc ( The Rent Garentee Company) have broken the law. If that front door had hit my 3 year old toddler in his head rather than his arm it doesn't bare thinking about what could have happen!

    The facts are that this company has absolutely no lawful reason to evict me & Gjergji. They were being paid by two local authorities and They new he was in the property when they attacked. They new I had Bipolar and by law needed one on my health workers or one of my Social workers present. No one was told , No one was warned and it has been a completely horrific experience.

    Independent doctors have recorded my sons injuries as considered with the explanation and body cam footage clearly shows him at the door when it was smashed into him.

    Please can you help my son get justice by telling our story.

    Franki Pellicci

  • icon

    I think you would be unlikely to get your property back at the end of two years.

  • icon

    When LLs have their choice of tenants why would you?

  • icon

    No thanks. After rental guarantee insurance expires the landlord could be stuck with a sitting tenant not paying rent on time.

  • icon

    Simply can't trust them, so that's a big fat NO from me

  • icon

    It’s a no from me

  • Richard LeFrak

    Had experience from a similar set up where they used smoke 💨 and mirrors 🪞 to shove illegals into me. Cocked them off…

  • Sarah Fox-Moore

    Sorry but l will have to decline...
    That's a solid No from me.

  • icon

    Big no from me

  • Matthew Payne

    Its a very profitable venture, most councils are now paying at least £5k in incentive fees to LLs to take UC tenants, Ive heard one London council offering £13k. Help2 Rent are pocketing these fees and then buying the landlord a RGI policy it looks like and offering a 4 weeks deposit which councils dont provide.

    Which is why their services are FREE, but landlords are actually paying a few thousand quid in a lost incentive.


    A local council told me it cost them £14,000 to repair the damage, that’s £9,000 shy!

  • icon

    You had your chance to play nice and treat landlords fairly … but no … you just kept kicking us and this is the mess we told you you would find yourselves in. Very sad for those who are in need of a home .. but that’s on your conscience!

  • icon

    The chickens are coming home to roost. When the vilified PRS killed off can you imagine the Corporates taking up their offer?!

  • H D
    • H D
    • 22 May 2024 10:44 AM

    No thanks,
    Totally agree with the sentiments of other contributors

  • icon

    So just to clarify 🤔 You give away your property to the council to hand over to possible druggies ? Is that about right 🥵🥵


    Yes Simon that is exactly it, I will set fire to my properties before that happens


    And then the same Council will come and fine you if you can't tackle antisocial behaviour and if there's mould in the property de to the tenants not understanding " you need to open the windows from time to time "!!

  • icon
    • A S
    • 22 May 2024 10:52 AM

    Have said it before, there is a huge class war coming. All this left-right nonsense is a major distraction from the growing underclass that will be created in the next decade or two, who won't qualify for (or won't be able to afford) a property from the corporate sector. There won't be enough social housing for them. And there won't be a PRS to talk of. Whatever housing these people will have to live in will be state supplied, on the condition they will be servants to the state. In reality, slaves. So much for "they work for us"!


    I agree there will be civil unrest, blood spilt on the streets, civil war


    WEF slogan , "you will own nothing and be happy". So if you own nothing, who owns the something that is not owned? They're trying to make everyone serfs and dependant on the state.


    sadly I thiink it will not be a class war. More a civil war between the indigineous people and the immigrants.

  • icon

    And what state will your prop be like WHEN - u get it bck? 2 yrs or / if you get it then . As it was- erm I don’t think so. And who pays for putting it bck.

  • icon

    I dont understand the overwhelming negativity here; I would love to know what is objectiviely wrong with this scheme ?


    Many landlords in the past have done it 🫣 And paid the price.


    Coucils will fill your property with the scum of the earth

  • icon

    Do it then Louis- and find out. That’s the only way.

  • icon

    Anyone considering this, do you also buy timeshares when you go abroad?

  • icon

    No......... No

  • icon

    If it has the word ‘council’ on it, it can’t be trusted. So, NO, NO, NO!

  • icon

    The Renters Reform Bill had a ground for possession in relation to properties for local authority use which stated that:

    “Ground 5G

    The tenant’s occupation of the dwelling-house was (at any time
    during the period of occupation) in pursuance of a local housing
    authority’s duty to the tenant under section 193 of the Housing Act
    1996 and—

    (a) the local housing authority has notified the landlord that the
    tenancy is not required for the purposes of that duty, and

    (b) the relevant date is no more than 12 months after the date
    on which the local housing authority notified the landlord
    as mentioned in paragraph (a).

    In this ground “local housing authority” means a district council, a
    county council in England for an area for which there is no district
    council, a London borough council, the Common Council of the
    City of London or the Council of the Isles of Scilly.”

    So you could get the property back if the local authority didn't need it any more, but it seems unlikely that the local authority wouldn't need it.

    Who knows what the rules will be under Labour legislation in relation to tenants who are in "temporary accommodation".

  • icon

    No, truly, sincerely, no to councils, UC or social tenants.
    The tenants need the guidelines and training in how to rent and look after the properties, that they can call their home. Until they save for their own homes, they need to respect other people's properties.
    Too risky to rent to council or H2R- unpaid rent and the damages and useless items for landlords to remove is just to much. They are offering £5k, but end up with damages which means need 3 times more than the deposit.
    Councils, themselves have to be responsible people, buy properties for social housing and give guidelines and training to the tenants to look after the properties, ensure that they regularly maintain the properties. In fact do all the work the landlords do on an ongoing basis.

  • icon

    Vibha, so true and the Councils are so 2 faced, pulling the wool over peoples eyes pretending they are so concerned about the Tenants doing everything to help them, while protecting them from the terrible private Landlords.
    The reality is very different the Councils are flooded with endless queues of people wanting the Councils to house them, beats buying their own they are not going to do that in the meantime sit in Hotels on Benefits costing billions. This is the main reason for removing Section 21 to relieve them of their Statutory Duty to House them but dare not say it, far more convenient to force Private Landlords to housed them.
    Then add licensing to make a financial killing for themselves at the same time,
    double stitch up.


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