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Fake private rental property was sub-let by phoney landlord

A London council has revealed that a social housing tenant claimed their property was a private one, and fraudulently sub-let it to innocent renters. 

Lewisham council says its tenancy audit team ended 80 tenancies in the past 12 months that were either sub-let, abandoned or otherwise fraudulent.

In one case, the team was approached by a sub-tenant because their landlord - who in fact was renting the property directly from the council - had fraudulently let it out and the. evicted the renters from the property. 


The sub-tenant in this case became aware of the property through friends and believed it was a private one for rent. Following a dispute, they were told to leave the property without notice.

They contacted the council which helped the innocent renters collect their belongings; the council then began proceedings to take possession of the property.

Now the council is appealing to its own tenants to ‘grass’ on neighbours who may be fraudulently sub-letting.

A statement from the council says “our experience shows that residents are best placed to know what is taking place on the estates they live on.”

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  • icon

    Sub-letting will become much more common when lifetime tenancies are introduced. Apparently this is common in Sweden with tenants making a lot of money this way. Landlords will need to e vigilant and regularly inspect their properties.

  • John  Adams

    The solution may simply be to put a small sign on the building stating that it's property of the Council....
    This scam however has been operating for a long time in various forms including Tourists being handed the keys to Air BnBs and other properties or simply scammed out of a deposit for non existing homes. It's a problem that's extremely difficult to tackle whilst people use casual advertising sites to find accommodation.

  • icon

    This is not new. This was happening in social housing when I worked in it thirty years ago! Then the private rented sector was tiny, mainly shared houses, and ASTs were introduced to boost the PRS!


    Goes on a lot and has done so for years

  • icon

    If they get caught 👮🏻‍♀️ Then they should have a lifetime ban on access to any other social properties.

  • icon

    Course they won’t get banned from social housing, it’s their human rights being abused


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