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Sitta Sittambalam
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Sitta Sittambalam
Oh yes it is ALL the fault of LANDLORDS, e.g. Ukraine War, the battle in Gaza, etc etc. While our so-called clever politicians 98% of them are utterly incompetent and corrupt. e.g. who would go for the HS2 project when based on an initial estimate of some £35Billion, now running at £85billion after a curtailed service setup only to Brum. It was too much of a no-brainer to spend that money on building houses. As I and many others see it the HS2 was to feed (make rich) the politicians' own crooked friends. If they did that then they could not blame the Landlords, could they? Oh no they would blame LLs. Also they would find yet another excuse to blame landlords. What a bunch of crooks and Clowns we have as MPs and many in the so-called public sector organisations. e.g. Post Office, Home Office. Police, incompetent Councils etc. Many of this lot should be referred to as persons of unknown paternity?? I just filled in my Self assessment tax return and noticed the our govt expenditure on interest payments as a % of the budget has jumped from 8 or & to 12% in the last two years. Oh yes it is the fault of the LANDLORDS, the rotten swines. Will any of the crooks who ruined the lives of nearly a 1000 sub post masters go to jail. NEVER the govt(sole shareholder) will want due process and stretch the job out for another 2 to 5 years. While the post office scandal enquiry is being obstructed by many of the post office staff and hired legal eagles, dodge answering questions at the enquiry!

From: Sitta Sittambalam 03 February 2024 11:41 AM

Sitta Sittambalam
Hi All, when has LAs, or Govt or ANY Govt establishment admitted its failings. They are still living in the early 20th or late 19th centuries, when govt. was extremely arrogant and did not even count women as people. To be honest it is not vastly different, NOW, with a very small no. of exceptions. Govt.+LAs could reduce head count by the best part of 15 to 20% and still perform at the present rate. The LA where I have a few houses sends automated responses to emails saying it takes them 40 days to respond to ANY REQUESTS, INFORMATION. What a bunch of Tow Rags & Wasters, yet when they send any correspondence one must answer within THEIR TIME FRAME WHICH IS ARBITRARILY PLUCKED OUT OF THE AIR. WHAT THIS WILL DO IS TO PUT UP THE COST OF ACCOMMODATION FURTHER, JUST IN CASE THE PUBLIC SECTOR PAYROLL PASSENGERS DO NOT UNDERSTAND! iT IS CLEAR THAT IF ONE looks at how the MPs and public sector manages the economy. I watched the MPs Expenses saga Last night on You Tube. I would strongly recommend all to go see it again to remind us of the quality of MPs (so-called) serving the country. Sorry I meant to say helping themselves and then threatening journalists for exposing the misdeeds. It is my view that there is very national concern from most politicians, i.e. failure to agree and work together in the National interest. We have 5 or so parties pulling in a multitude of directions and spending money that even the next three to four generations could repay! What a rip off legacy this mob is leaving to our successive generations.

From: Sitta Sittambalam 22 January 2023 12:08 PM

Sitta Sittambalam

From: Sitta Sittambalam 28 June 2022 09:33 AM

Sitta Sittambalam

From: Sitta Sittambalam 15 June 2021 10:21 AM

Sitta Sittambalam

From: Sitta Sittambalam 26 January 2021 09:17 AM

Sitta Sittambalam
Well done Lord Flight. This regulation is typical of some parliamentarians attitude. GO (Osborne) does not, cannot, is scared to do the same with all businesses (especially the big ones, like Amazon, Startbucks etc.), in not allowing legitimate business expenses to be deductible. The imminent Judicial Review may put mud in his face. The significant factor in house price escalation is largely overseas investors bringing in money which cannot be verified as "CLEAN" or otherwise. Also why permit non residents to simply buy up properties in UK. Exceptional situations demand exceptional solutions, at least temporarily. No overseas person may buy here unless they prove that they are legitimately and actually doing business here. Give them 5 years to sell up and levy 80% capital gains tax on such properties. Additional measures can also be brought in to apply to UK investors limiting their BTL to no more than 2 houses per person, until govt. can improve its housing supply. Fix a time span for this 5-10 years. After many have forgotten how a female PM in UK sold off all the council houses in London and never put any of the money back into house building, instead paid off the national debt or or part of. Then came "Labour" and spent money without any care, due to squabbling between AB & GB (Tony Blair & Gordon Brown) as to when GB should sit at no. 10. No one in Parliament then observed the spendthrift ways of GB, which all blew up at the elections in 2010. OFcourse we deserve the govts. we elect, but the MPs are petrified to balance books and live within sensible means - sensible taxes, borrowing and spending!

From: Sitta Sittambalam 06 January 2016 11:08 AM

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