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Tory and Labour big hitters address landlords’ annual conference

Housing Secretary Michael Gove says a healthy private rented sector is a “critical” part of the housing market.

The comments came as he addressed members of the National Residential Landlords Association at its annual conference this week.

Speaking shortly after MPs debated the Renters Reform Bill, Gove told the conference that “the overwhelming majority of landlords provide an invaluable service". 


He went on to reiterate the importance of ensuring courts process legitimate possession cases more swiftly before section 21 ends.

Taking questions from NRLA members he agreed with the Association’s concerns to protect the yearly cycle of the student housing market when fixed term tenancies are ended.  

He went on to outline the Government’s opposition to rent controls, citing the negative impact they have on the supply of homes to rent. He continued by declaring “they are not just an intervention too far, but completely the wrong approach”.


The event also saw the Chair of the cross-party Housing Select Committee Clive Betts MP address the audience. In his remarks he declared that: “The evidence from the NRLA stacks up and we respect it, value it, and take account of it, seriously".

Ben Beadle, Chief Executive of the National Residential Landlords Association, comments: “With a record number of delegates, this year’s conference has been the NRLA’s best yet.

“We were delighted to hear the Secretary of State set out how he will ensure changes work for the sector as a whole, and the recognition the NRLA’s evidence-based research received from the Chair of the Select Committee.

“Most of all, the event was a reminder of why we do what we do, to ensure the rental market genuinely works for responsible landlords and tenants.”

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  • John  Adams

    Gove desperately trying to cling onto a doomed Tory vote....and Ben blending in with the wallpaper as usual.
    The Tories are going to end up dead in the water because the young have been brainwashed by the champagne socialists living in a nostalgic Che Guevara poster fantasy and Landlords will not forget the treacherous treatment of our businesses.

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    Gove only turned up by video link 😂.

    On Property Tribes YouTube Beadle’s About said he wanted for Gove too see all of the landlords. It was important. But he was just on video link. He kept well away 🤷🏼.

    Anyway a lying toad pandering to the audience. No real news. He doesn’t listen. Everything continues as they are.

    Warwick and Beadle’s About all very positive about Gove coming too 🤦🏻. I don’t think Warwick presses Beadle’s About hard enough. May be concerned about protecting advertising revenues from the NRLA.

    Vanessa Warwick

    I was actually at the Conference and Ben pressed Michael Gove as hard as anyone could imho.

    The NRLA is not an advertising partner of Property Tribes, so get your facts straight before casting aspersions please.

    We support their work and encourage landlords to join, but that is the extent of the relationship.

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    Did Section 24 get a mention or was it all about Mr Beadles student housing?


    He said No to repealing S24 but said they were 'looking at' helping LoL on tax. Don't hold your breath!

    Vanessa Warwick

    I was there and Gove said that they would not be repealing Section 24, but they were looking at other measures to help landlords on the taxation front. Unsurprisingly, he failed to give any details.

    Gove, like any politician, was very skilled at answering questions without actually giving an answer, and also pandering to the audience. It was a masterful display!

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    Tory’s not say owt cos they have f up things so much. They don’t know which way to turn to keep doing it. And labour not till in power- with their ways to f it up more., They both pamper to the causes or groups like G E . F the L lords.

  • icon

    The problem here is that NRLA failed miserably in providing any leadership in tackling this issue of non fault eviction. They should come up with comprehensive ideas, put them to its members and take the data to the government.
    We can have symbolic removal of S21 with a comprehensive market that serves the tenants and landlords well with modified S8 and landlords and tenants register that can show real history of tenant and landlords behaviour, However NRLA have been sleep walking.


    Personally I think it is necessary to retain the right to offer fixed term tenancies. I wouldn't let indefinitely even if Section 8 were modified.


    Me too Ellie. The initial intent should be for a fixed term. I don't need or want 6 months although would be ideal to make a start evicting earlier with a disaster tenant (who will be much more common once they have some much more protection). Otherwise I wouldn't mind a 2-3 year minimum term so long as not in arrears.

    I think all tenancies should end by default after their period comes to an end. I did think this was the case. I was surprised how difficult S21 during a periodic tenancy. Hence I am extremely alarmed by all of this meddling going on. Which is just the start from what I can see and hear.


    I agree Nick.

    Common law tenancies do end by default, I believe. With a Common Law tenancy the landlord is entitled to possession at the end of the fixed-term. In theory the landlord is not required to serve a notice to quit to bring the tenancy to an end as the tenancy ends at the agreed date, but in practice the landlord should serve a notice if he wishes the tenant to vacate. Also, if there are problems during the tenancy, the landlord can bring the common law tenancy to an end where there has been a breach of any of the specified terms in the tenancy agreement. He is not restricted to the prescribed terms (grounds) laid down in Housing Acts

    • A JR
    • 27 October 2023 10:49 AM

    Yes, the NRLA have been ‘sleepwalking for at least the past decade’.


    I think if all tenancies were common law tenancies (the terms of the contract and previous case decisions governing the agreement rather than the Housing Act), supply would increase greatly, rents would come down, property standards would improve and tenants would have much more power than they do now. Moreover, families, people with pets and people on benefits would be able to find accommodation.

    Housing acts which govern tenancies and punish landlords reduce supply greatly, lead to rents rocketing and tenants being unable to get a roof over their heads.


    Ellie and Nick,
    The government created AST not so long ago, we are now creating something new. Hence why I am disappointed with NRLA. We can give a person 5 year contract with 6 month break clause. Just because we end S21 doesn’t mean we can’t have checks and balances. Using a payment system will affects their credit ratings and a landlord and tenants register helps the landlords more than the tenant. We know for every bad landlord there may be a 100 bad tenant. So let’s have a system that exposes bad apple and make it easier to evict them than it is today. Why spend 6 months to evict someone when you can do it in 2. But the most important point of the register is that it becomes a deterrent. Having effective deterrent is far more useful than AST.
    Today, a tenant can leave you with 50k worth of damage and move somewhere and do it again there. Wouldn’t you rather have a register where you can check the way tenant has behaved in previous tenancies. The current system, any body can write a reference saying they were the previous landlord.
    If we have to register by law and if you don’t, you have no rights as a landlord or tenant, I know which side all the good landlords and tenants will choose.


    It is very unlikely that there will be a tenant register; only landlords will be required to register.

    We had assured tenancies without Section 21 in the past; they were unpopular with landlords. It was only when landlords had the right to get their properties back at the end of a fixed term that the size of the private rental sector greatly increased.


    As Ellie said there is no proposal for a tenant register? The government and 'charities' etc would never allow the exposure of bad tenants. It's all once sided. There are no proposals to implement what you have suggested.

    I am not prepared to move away from the current system to what by all accounts is a far worse system. I think the only good point is S8 amended to stop repeated late payments.


    Nick and Ellie,
    I agree with you both. The thing that is missing here is a think tank type organisation which takes into consideration the concerns on both side and comes up with a solution. Instead we are left with doggy politicians who are trying to pamper to politics of envy. This is where a good NRLA could make a difference.


    The major problem is that the government has WANTED to reduce the size of the private rental sector and push young people into buying rather than renting.

    Therefore measures which would increase the size of the private rental sector and drive down rents have not been considered.


    Incidentally there aren't many common law tenancies but these are a few:

    1. A limited company rents a house from a landlord for their employees;

    2. The annual rent is more than £100,000

    3. A tenancy where the tenant has a main residence elsewhere and only lives in the flat for certain days per week

    4. Holiday lettings

  • icon

    Why do I feel like I'm in goldfish bowl?

    All we hear about is the NLRA on this newsfeed. No other reporting of other associations or lobby groups who are more vocal such as propertymark.

    Getting rather suspicious or just tired of hearing the same guff.

    jeremy clarke

    Propertymark? The same Propertymark that rolled over on Tenant Fee ban having written a letter to the Minister saying that they were unhappy??
    Plenty of column inches in this publication from the real noise makers shelter, generation rent et al, if they can make a noise why can't the landlord and agent groups?


    Jeremy, Because a lot of us don't own student housing. But the NRLA made noise about that? Why? Because Gove 'had better watch out cos Beadle's About' with his student housing.

    Vanessa Warwick

    The NRLA are the biggest landlord association by membership by far and have a strong communications policy.

    There are smaller landlord associations like iHowz and also regional landlord associations, but they do not appear to have such a coherent communications strategy.

  • Vanessa Warwick

    For those who are interested, you can view my interview with Ben Beadle of the NRLA, unpacking Gove's comments at the Conference on PropertyTribes website.

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    Pat, don’t agree it will be another stick to beat the landlords over the head with it won’t affect Tenants as now a Council Stated if a Tenant makes a compliant about the landlord he said they wii always prosecute.

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    Vanessa, don’t agree iHowz are a long standing Landlord Association with a history dating back to early 70’s possibly a fore runner to NLA called small landlords Association, later Southern Landlords Association and now rebranded iHowz. I understand NLA tried to amalgamate them but they kept separate. When RLA joined with NLA, RLA muscled in with their Beatles and NLA leaders resigned like Mr Richard Lambert. a sad day they joined.
    IHowz at least tried for a judicial Review and I understand have a Barrister on board but NRLA didn’t try just sat on their hands.

    Vanessa Warwick

    Yes Michael, I know all about the history of iHowz, being a member, and also working with them on a number of projects including video production and when they re-branded. My comment was regards to numbers.

    The NRLA has around 100K members, but iHowz membership is much smaller - that was all my comment was related to - the membership numbers.

    I think iHowz do a good job, and I fully support all their campaigns. We regularly catch up with them on Property Tribes TV. You can find numerous interviews with iHowz on the Property Tribes youtube channel. :)

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    • A JR
    • 27 October 2023 16:36 PM

    There’s no getting around the fact that a lot of landlords and I mean a lot, are wholly dissatisfied with the insipid and largely appeasing culture of the NRLA. IMO as long as the NRLA remain the default landlords association, there’s no hope of any constructive gains for the PRS

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    The government will not get many young people to
    Buy while the Benefit system exists, if they were reared and weaned on it they are already addicted and aspire to follow Man & Dad, its see as their right, never give it up.
    I seen about 80 today in the queue was for food Bank, there were as many young as old all well dressed no sign of want or work on them and guess what at least 3 of them drinking cans of Redbull while waiting.


    I think some measures to help first time buyers may be announced in the autumn statement.

    Of course, you are right that some people will never buy and will continue to rely on the benefit system. The Government wants private sector landlords to be compelled to house them.


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