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Parts of Renters Reform Bill may need 18 months to take effect - NRLA

The National Residential Landlords Association says it could take up to 18 months for many elements of the Renters Reform Bill to become law.

The Bill is scheduled to be published and introduced into Parliament this week, but an 18 month process - which is likely to be the longest time it could take to become law - will take it close to the next General Election.

The NRLA says it is difficult to be precise when forecasting the speed of the Bill through Parliament, as this depends on the contentiousness of its measures, as well as the sometimes-difficult process of securing time in a crowded schedule for the Commons and the Lords. 


The process requires various stages to be reached in the Commons and then the Lords. These are the First Reading, Second Reading, Committee Stage, Third Reading, and finally Royal Assent. Some stages can be very quick - happening within a day - while others take weeks or months, taking into account lengthy Parliamentary recesses and a packed timetable of other legislation.

The NRLA says: “Since the Renters’ Reform Bill is likely to contain a considerable number of changes to current legislation, it is unlikely – though possible – that it will reach Committee Stage before Summer Recess, with Royal Assent and implementation more likely to be in the latter part of this year or early next.

“The Government has confirmed that it will provide at least six months’ notice of the first implementation date, after which all new tenancies will be periodic and governed by the new rules. Existing tenancies will be given a further twelve months’ notice from the first implementation date to convert to the new system.

“So, even once Royal Assent is granted, it is likely to be at least eighteen months before ongoing tenancies are required to move onto the new regime.”

The NRLA is also urging its landlord members to lobby their MPs to ensure their side of the argument is put forward. 

The association goes on to say: “We have created a series of template letters that you can use to make this process simpler. You can write to your MP using our online tool. Once you are logged into your membership account, the tool will automatically find your MP and ensure your letter follows parliamentary protocol.”

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  • icon

    Looks like no one is interested in what the NRLA say - no surprise there!

  • icon

    I could re-write their templates which don't stress many of the important points, and could do with being condensed into one letter as no MP is going to read all of them individually.
    They are still limp and apologetic where they should be hard hitting and factual with sources of information quoted..

  • Sarah Fox-Moore

    The lead time needed to implement the RRB just means more time to sell up.
    I forsee a tidal wave of Section21s during that 12-18 month period.


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