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Generation Rent asks: How Can You Stand By As We’re Turfed From Homes?

Generation Rent has launched a double-pronged attack on landlords and the government.

The activist group claims that the latest possession statistics from the Ministry of Justice show that Section 21 evictions have increased to their highest quarterly rate since 2018, with a 39 per cent rise over the same period last year.

Generation Rent draws a link between that and the decision by the government not to allocate immediate time to the Third Reading of the controversial Renters Reform Bill, which promises to scrap Section 21 powers for landlords. 


The group says the Leader of the Commons, MP Penny Mordaunt, says there are no plans yet for the Third Reading, which can now take place on March 4 at the earliest. 

Generation Rent Chief Executive Ben Twomey says: "Today sees the continuation of an awful trend that has been blighting the lives of renters across our country.  As long as landlords can evict tenants through no fault of their own with just two months’ notice, homelessness in England will continue to soar.

"Renters have been waiting five years since the government promised to end these evictions, and yet today we find out the government is delaying their plans again. Since that promise, almost 90,000 households have been forced out because of no-fault evictions - and this number is rising every day. In fact, since the law to change this was last debated in parliament, we estimate that 5,891 more households have faced Section 21 eviction in the courts. 

"How can the government stand by while thousands of us are turfed from our homes? The Renters Reform Bill must be brought back to the Commons as soon as possible to end these appalling evictions. England’s 12 million private renters cannot be made to wait any longer.”

The government has in fact some weeks ago said that the abolition of Section 21 powers would have to wait until court process reforms were undertaken to allow possession cases to be dealt with in a more timely manner.

The Renters Reform Coalition - a matrix of pro-tenant groups very closely linked to Generstion Rent - tweeted yesterday evening: "Absolutely shocking that on the same day data shows rising no fault evictions, the govt is yet again delaying the Renters Reform Bill. As homelessness and evictions soar we are very concerned this legislation won't pass before the next election - it must be prioritised ASAP."

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  • icon

    When a S21 is served (usually for rent arrears or pest tenants the ones that affect your mental health) the house is then either rented to a hopefully better tenant or sold to an owner occupier.
    The results are no additional homeless! The only by product of this process is the sifting into a group, people that no one seems to want to provide housing to.

    • A JR
    • 09 February 2024 07:46 AM

    Great post 100% agree. ‘There is no additional homelessness ‘.


    Also agree, the place will usually be rented to someone else, unless its being sold.

  • icon

    Generation Rent and other activists have largely caused the destruction of the PRS. All the anti landlord campaigning and encouraging the government to tax us out of existence has clearly been very successful. Where exactly did they think tenants would live if landlords weren't able to make a living out of being landlords?

    John Wathen

    They should change their name to Eviction Rent for clarity. Of course Section 21s have increased, because they are an integral tool for anyone wanting to be a landlord & GR & their Marxist ilk have persuaded this pathetic government that it’s needed when blatantly it is not! Sensible Landlords are getting in now to remove bad tenants before it’s too late.

  • icon

    Ben Twomey, Sandra Bowes-Rennox, James Turner, Polly Bleat and their friends have added to the housing shortage by their constant attacks on landlords.😡

    I wish they would stop showing their ignorance. 🙏. In the first place LANDLORDS DO NOT EVICT. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULLS.😠 Bailiffs evict, landlords simply give notice under the terms of the tenancy that they want possession of THEIR PROPERTY. 😱

    If you want security of tenure, buy your own property. Rented accommodation DOES NOT BELONG TO THE TENANTS. 😠. You can wail and moan all you like, but it is not yours, it is ours! 😩. Every time you attack landlords and Section 21, you persuade another landlord to leave the PRS. Well done! 👍



    I have been saying this for years, NO private tenant can EVER have true security of tenure, they just don’t get it 🤷‍♂️


    I complained to Kim Jong Norwood about James Turner last week. Hopefully that i***t has been banned!

    • B L
    • 09 February 2024 17:52 PM

    When the previous tenants are given notice, a new tenancy will be sought. Therefore the letting property is always occupied. Or, when the previous tenants are given notice, a property is released back to the market to a new owner. PRS has no relationship with "homelessness in England will continue to soar". Homelessness is the responsibility for the councils, to help them to recover their lives, and stand on their own feet. Generation Rent should use their fund to build shelters, temporary accommodations to assist the homelessness. Generation Rent should do something to be constructive in the society. It is so unbelievable to blame PRS for other sectors' shortcomings.

  • icon

    Generation Rent that’s impossible when did you buy the Property it’s not your home.
    Stop your extortion Racket Campaign you need a reality check.

  • icon

    When will these clowns understand the the government does not own the properties of BTL landlords who have rights to do what they wish with their own privateely own ed properties. It was bad enough when the government virtually appropriated all privately owned property during covid by banning evictions and implying that tenants need not pay their rents, thus creating a bank of free homes at our expense and saving them from the headache of homing the homeless which would otherwise have resulted during this period.

  • icon

    Landlord must be able to eviction on a no fault basis. It’s the only way they can win anything is by not having to prove things. EVERYONE is against landlords.

    It’s similar to trying to get your deposit back! But that’s just the deposit. This is about getting YOUR OWN PROPERTY back.

    All these lefties think you have to prove everything to them. And issue pointless paperwork to try and thwart your actions.

    Relationships fall apart. Friends, siblings spouses etc. Landlords and tenants are even more likely to fall apart. There’s always something with properties. Some tenants think they are royalty and want XYZ. Now it’s the RIght to eco upgrades. Not even done on my own home.

    It’s costs a lot of money to buy and sell a property. I let someone move in, they have all the power along with the authorities, they dictate everything, and my only way out is to sell MAYBE????

    This country is going backwards fast.

    • A JR
    • 09 February 2024 07:53 AM

    It’s called ‘sequestration’ and is the unspoken aim of both the Cons and Labour. No Gov can now build their way out the mess they’ve made.

  • icon

    Landlords probably serving more Section 21 notices now because of the possibility of a May election. They want to get their properties back while they still can.

    The election is more likely to be in the autumn, but there isn't any certainty about that.

    The more rights that are taken from landlords, the more precautions that they will take. That is obvious.


    You are 100% right Ellie. Before, if there was a tenant we were a bit uneasy about we would have given them a chance but with the prospect of section 21 going we would get them out now while we have the chance.
    Section 8 for rent arrears is all very well but the process takes so long we will be nearly a year's rent adrift by the time we get the house (complete refurb needed) back in our possession.


    Exactly Emily. There is always the possibility that all Section 8 grounds will become discretionary under a Labour government, too.


    Ellie I think they are talking about rent arrears being discretionary in some way. Horrendous that in private property people will just be able to not pay. The state blocks eviction + doesn't step in and PAY THE RENT! Madness.


    They are putting us out of business, Nick, and that may be the aim.

    • B L
    • 10 February 2024 14:31 PM

    The private landlords are sandwiched by inept activists, bad tenants, weak and bias adjudicators, they are destructive to the normal rules of laws, ethics, integrity and moral values. People don't pay the bills, avoid responsibilities, total lack of appreciation for anything, no "please", no " thank you", all taken for granted, we have become vulnerable. Our society needs to wake up.

  • icon

    S21 evictions are the end result of a series of anti-LL measures. Gen Rant should be looking at the causes (one of which is them) and working out how to stop these. Treat the causes not the symptom!

  • icon
    • L C
    • 09 February 2024 08:50 AM

    I just don't understand where this "As We’re Turfed From Homes?" mentality comes from.

    No landlord wants to 'turf out' good tenants, government reaction to people like this only makes their situation worse.

    Stop trying to create an agenda that isn't there.

  • icon

    There is ALWAYS a reason for an eviction 99% of the time non payment of rent sec 21 is just quicker than sec 8 which is why it is used the most


    Exactly, much quicker and easier for judge to agree a tenant can be asked to leave. Even then many won't move out because councils tell them to stay put until bailiffs arrive.

  • Sarah Fox-Moore

    Because it is MY property and l have the right to repossess it to sell or move back in or do renovations as well as turf out non-paying, noncompliant Tenants.
    End of.

  • Richard LeFrak

    Sick of the anti landlord rhetoric, I will stand by now and wait for A+ Rated tenants and any of those who are classed as sort of marginal that I did tend to look at are now a no no. So if anyone is turfed out as she says then they will stay turfed out.

    11 properties and over half of them have had the same tenants in them for over 5 years, must be doing something right Polly......

  • icon

    Chief executive eh! Elephant in the room ignored, immigration.

    • B L
    • 09 February 2024 18:40 PM

    It is the illegal immigrants that need to be controlled. We have lots of British, Scottish living overseas making a good living, they don't occupy properties in the UK. Legal immigrants from overseas are generally above average standards in their quality. I presume you mean illegal immigration.


    In fairness BL I have had many legal immigrants as tenants and often these have proved to be better tenants than many British ones I've had

    • B L
    • 09 February 2024 20:36 PM

    Same here, Andrew. They have a more caring attitude.

  • icon
    • S S
    • 09 February 2024 11:55 AM

    People like to link an increase to homelessness to an increase in Section 21 notices. However, they dont seem to be able to link an increase in Section 21 notices to the policies that are driving landlords to serve section 21 notices! Anti-landlord rhetoric, tax regimes that mean landlords are losing money by renting out their properties! Look at the causes of the section 21, make changes to them and then perhaps landlords wont feel it necessary to sell up or leave their properties empty rather than have tenants!

  • icon

    FFS! When you rent a car you eventually have to give it back.....same goes for renting a house...it's not rocket science....you don't own the car and you don't own the house!!!

  • icon

    Ben Twomey needs to put his efforts and funding to pay all the tenants who are evicted, instead of big mouthing against LLs, who are providing decent homes in return for market or below rent and looking after the property as their own home. Twomey relishes in destroying the market to be just relevant in the media.


    When I see his pics online, I always think he should be in school or doing his homework.

    • B L
    • 09 February 2024 23:45 PM

    Annoyed 😂🙃😀 , that is a good one.

  • icon

    'Since that promise, almost 90,000 households have been forced out because of no-fault evictions'
    I'm calling BS on this quote, and I think Ben Twomey knows what a lie he is uttering. Most landlords keep good tenants that pay their rent. The majority of tenants that have been evicted are ones that don't pay rent, trash their rental place or both. But Twomey will NEVER say that any tenants are their own reason for eviction. The man needs to be honest, instead of spouting what are carefully crafted lies.

  • icon

    Everyone knows Section 21 is not the cause of Evictions but the The Threat of its Removal definitely is.
    It doesn’t matter a fig when the Election or any point in vooutinSg is the damage has been by the party we are going to vote for again, now isn’t that something.

  • icon

    Typo a new word the phone invented

  • icon

    If Section 8 , Worked as I believe it was intended Eight weeks arrears , then another month and your out. Most Tenants are not all idiots realising they are going to be homeless in 12 weeks most would make sure they Pay the rent as a Priority and keeping the property in order.

    This could reduce the number of possessions by half. I have had to evict a few Tenants for rent arrears and not one of them could not afford to pay the rent. They just worked the system, as they are encouraged to do for as long as they can get away with it.

  • icon

    So Gove has today announced S21 to be abolished before the next general election? On Kussenberg this morning? No court reform? We can’t trust anything this wretched government says can we?


    He really is a little weasel.


    Annoyed, I share the same
    sort of view. But it’s a lot stronger. Unprintable. But it does involve a hammer….


    If that becomes widely known, the rush of landlords to sell will become a stampede. Without court reform you will not stand a snowball’s chance in hell of getting YOUR PROPERTY back. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


    I have one property empty atm. Thank god I have had the sense not to rent it. I started eviction proceedings as soon as I read the White Paper. It’s was like Shelter wrote it and Gove just put the Dept of Levelling Down logo on the front. It was shear comedy horror how one sided it was.

    I started evicting with S21 due to the fear of eviction bans etc and no longer having confidence in the UK legal system and Westminster.

  • icon

    And a couple of nuts?🤣

  • icon

    Yes they are involved too don’t you worry. 👍


    I did mean his personal ones. But I suppose you could include Polly Bleat and Ben Twomey. 😂😂😂😂


    Well I’m not saying which ones. That is left to the reader’s imagination.

  • icon

    James. I agree can we get Mr Gove Sectioned nothing like starting with the root of the problem.
    James you are a qualified psychotherapist which courses did you did pass was it NCPS or BACP.🤔


    I think Jimbo is more qualified than that. He knows it all….


    Nick, is he related to Gibbo perhaps! 😂


    Probably related. But Gibbo appears to come from the better side of the family!


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