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Rent Controls - Twitter spat between high-profile campaigners

Two of the most prominent campaigners over rent controls - albeit one on either side of the argument - have had a public spat about the issue on Twitter.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan took to social media to retweet an article in business daily City AM which reported increasing rents in the capital. 

“Our private rental market can’t continue like this – it’s not sustainable for Londoners who are struggling with other rising costs too. The government must allow me to freeze rents in the capital” tweeted Khan, repeating a demand for new pourers which he has made on an almost weekly basis for almost five years.


While Khan’s tweets usually get only low profile criticism, on this occasion Ben Beadle - chief executive of the National Residential Landlords Association - took to the keyboard to say: “Another day, another call for a rent freeze from the man who’s in charge of housing numbers in London. So rather than deflect and choke off supply further, why not do something already in your control like increase supply and investor confidence which will bring rents down?”

Beadle didn’t leave it there. Tapping into growing criticism of Khan’s transport policies, too, he continued: “You could also help people by not increasing costs – licensing, [car tax] ULEZ extension, fares – and perhaps support NRLA calls for a review of property taxation and encourage pro-growth measures. Just a thought.”


The UK government has long dismissed the idea of rent controls in England, while the Welsh Labour government considered the issue but felt on balance such controls would be counter productive. Rent controls exist in Scotland, driven by the Green Party which has an informal alliance with the Scottish National Party.

Khan has no powers to introduce rent controls for the private sector but has long campaigned for his authority to be strengthened by the delegation of more powers and funding from central government.

At his first Mayor’s Question Time in May 2016, shortly after he took office, Khan told other London politicians: “I have no plans to introduce rent controls, nor the powers to do so."

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  • George Dawes

    My council tax bill showed a 10% increase for khan , what exactly do I get for the money ??

  • icon

    George, ever property in London is paying hundreds of £’s to this excuse for a Mayor.
    My Council tax is £2800. of which he gets £627. pa, (looks like 28% added on for him).

    We have no say he just does whatever he wants a law all to

    It was reported that he ordered 200 ULEZ Cameras before consultation period had ended and despite opposition from a number of Councils.

    C/tax increase’s every year and I now pay £60. extra for lawn grass collection, (its once every 2 weeks for half a year) which used to be included in the c/tax so that’s in affect another hike.

  • icon
    • K B
    • 11 April 2023 09:10 AM

    But they wont freeze the costs that are being incurred by landlords

  • icon

    As a non London resident, can I ask ….. who the hell is voting for this clown 🤡?

  • icon

    So the man who is responsible for cost of living going through the roof, the man who wants to further restrict everyone’s right to travel, and charge those that still do travel eye watering fees just to get to and from work, the man who demands ever more money from the people he leaches off - is now demanding we can’t put our prices up?

    The same man who uses green issues as his excuse, drives around in a 5 litre armoured Range Rover, with a similar one following as security.

    He truly is the definition of hypocrisy.

  • George Dawes

    I use uber a lot , the drivers are mostly muslim , they all hate him too

    Tbh who IS voting for him ??

  • PossessionFriendUK PossessionFriend

    Yes, other rising costs for business and residents, - such as the ULEZ and Plant pots blocking streets !

  • David Saunders

    Sunak needs to grow a pair and get rid of London Assembly along with role of London mayor. All 3 we've had since the introduction in year 2000 have been 1 trick ponies screw screw screw the motorist until the pips squeak and now this champagne socialist Khan and his cronies in local government, not content with turning our once great bustling capital city with a thriving economy into a basket case spending £millions of taxpayers money extending journey times and raising pollution levels by creating traffic chaos/jams installing LTNs and rarely used bike lanes along the way now sets his/their sights on the whipping boys/landlords.


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