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What’s that smell? It must be a Build To Rent scheme…

A Build To Rent operator is introducing “signature scents” into its properties “to lift moods and enhance the rental experience.”

Fig, orange and bergamot are among the fragrances used “to evoke feelings of relaxation and escape” according to Quintain Living, which is introducing the smells at its Canada Gardens scheme at not-obviously-fragrant Wembley Park, north London.

The announcement says residents at the scheme, which has an acre of gardens, are being treated to the fragrance by “conceptual design company” Fossey Arora, which has put the emphasis on creating “a sense of carefree escape.”


It’s worth quoting at length from the statement issued by the Build To Rent firm, which handles some 2,500 units at Wembley Park.It says: “[The] journey begins in the super-lobby, where the garden-fresh scents of orange, bergamot and lavender evoke memories of warm summer breezes and long, carefree days. The plant-filled lobby, with its high ceilings and simple, natural materials is ideally suited to this welcoming, summery smell. 

“The bright and sunny bergamot, which is reminiscent of Earl Grey tea, gives way to a pre-heart note of grapefruit, bringing to mind the impression of a hot, sunny day in even the gloomiest of weather. The wonderful heart notes, which blend white lavender and sweet neroli, are grounded by base notes of rosemary, patchouli and vetiver attar.

“Canada Gardens’ smaller entrance, meanwhile, is all about fresh green tea.”



Danielle Bayless, chief operating officer at Quintain Living, adds: “By diffusing different scents in different areas, we’re creating a wonderful sensory experience for our residents which unfolds as they move from one part of Canada Gardens to another. 

“Our beautiful roof terrace, for example, uses ‘oakmoss 3’ – it’s a fragrance that provides a more mature, almost lived-in sense of connection with nature and relaxation. An earthy openness in the midst of the city. It’s a very versatile scent – whether residents are working on the rooftop or practising yoga, it promotes the right ambience.”

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  • icon

    I know what smell these schemes have!

    Tory party rewarding donors and cronies - not bitter, just jealous!

    Hartlepool was a sign that working people now realise Labour supports non workers - but NO party currently supports working people of all levels.

    Tenants need to similarly realise that decent landlords are the decent tenants' best friend and Shelter, Generation Rant etc. only protect rent dodgers, like Labour protect skivers.

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    If a chain pub is nicer than an independant, people will go there instead. The same applies here.

    Perhaps if landlords did a better service to the people paying them, people would not be moving into build to rent schemes. In the end, the competition benefits the renters.


    Competition benefits all, build to rent doesn't worry me.


    Happy to compete with BTR any day. I don't do orange and bergamot, but my houses are warm, comfortable, well maintained and significantly cheaper than the corporate BTR boys. Unless of course the Tories tilt the market too much in favour of their chums, in which case I'll review my options


    I'm quite happy to see these btr schemes as they will push up market rents for all properties.

    This comment is based on my experience in competing with purpose built student ghettos, which most first year students move on from into normal domestic student flats and are happy to pay the same level of rent to live nearer the shops and pubs as most new builds are not centrally located.

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    There will always be a market for BTR while people want short commitment rental contracts. The sort the government are trying to stop the rest of us offering. They will always be more expensive though so market forces will mean your average family home will still have a place in the PRS.


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