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Tenants' malicious damage a growing reason for insurance claims

Landlord insurance claims increased 13 per cent during the pandemic, with malicious tenant damage among the fastest growing causes of a claim.

During the pandemic, landlords were unable to access their properties in the normal manner as government-enforced lockdowns stopped them from entering their tenants’ homes. Even so landlord insurance claims increased by 13 per cent between 2019 and 2021, from 536 annual claims up to 603, according to Total Landlord Insurance.

During this time, the fastest growing reason for a landlord insurance claim was storm damage which increased by 93 per cent during the pandemic, from 70 claims in 2019 up to 135 in 2021.


Malicious damage has also been an increasingly common cause for landlord insurance claims during the pandemic, rising by 50 per cent between 2019 and 2021.

During the pandemic, the average landlord insurance claim size also increased. A rise of 29 per cent was seen between 2019 and 2021 as the average claim rose from £5,773 to £7,429. 

The biggest rise in the size of a claim was seen in liability insurance claims. Liability insurance is that which protects the landlord against any harm or injury that befalls a tenant while inside the property, and during the pandemic, the average claim increased by 270 per cent from £1,306 to £4,827. 

At the same time, the average claim for storm damage increased by 140 per cent, break-in claims rose by 101 per cent, and claims for underground services went up by 95 per cent. 

Melissa Chouiles of Total Landlord Insurance says: “The pandemic made it almost impossible for landlords to gain access to their properties and along with the direct impact of the pandemic on tenants themselves, this suggests this may have contributed to an increase in insurance claims. 

“With landlords also unable to maintain their rental properties for such a prolonged period, the average size of a claim has also increased as they look to rectify multiple years of damage and wear and tear. 

“It’s also interesting to see such an increase in claims resulting from malicious damage. This could suggest that, during the pandemic, tenants were feeling increasingly frustrated, trapped, and unable to move. At the same time, some tenants might have grown to feel resentment towards landlords who still expected them to pay the rent as normal despite significant reductions in income and job security.”

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  • icon

    when I was a landlord (not now) I used to let to benefit tenants no bond but that was the bad mistake some were ok "normal tenants" but the 90% just did not care aboy anything the house/flat other people me outside space themselves so long as they had benefit and drink and or drugs again 90%
    the amount od of damage was unbelievable and the tenants also took a lot of time "looking after" as they all had problems plus of course not want to pay rent if they had a way to get the rent "by diverting the direct payments to me, or to defurd the electricity which as a sub-meter system "pre paid Cards" I had to pay for to the supplier
    So my advice from a guy who do 30+ years and no out of it is the quality of the tenants with bond and upfront rent, and of course the council are not bothered about who caused the damage the landlord has to fix it

  • icon

    I have never taken a deposit, if damage comes then one months rent will not help much, I do however have such a draconian tenant selection process that up to now ( a lot of years), I have had zero problems. The idiot tenants will find the future very hard indeed.

  • icon

    I've had property damage as I think most of us have, accidental, negligent, or malicious, but never to an extent that it warranted an insurance claim, I'm hands on with repairs so it's me that puts things right


    Yes I agree damage is common, but so far we have never claimed on any insurance. Main issues are pet damage to carpets etc and general damage to doors, door frames etc.

  • George Dawes

    Just wait for them to go then take it out of the rent deposit


    Problem is, 5 weeks rent doesn't generally cover it...


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