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KEYWORD "hmrc" - 100 RESULTS
Renting out a driveway could be the fast lane to tax problems

Renting out your driveway can seem like a hassle-free way to earn extra income. With the rise of platforms dedicated to...

27 July 2024

From: Tax & Finance

HMRC and Labour council in joint clampdown on landlords

A controversial council claims that HMRC is working with its enforcement team because many landlords who avoid licensing schemes are also...

19 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Critical Tax and HMRC Deadlines This Month

As July heats up, so does the pressure for many to meet critical financial deadlines.  James O’Brennan a finance expert from Federal...

06 July 2024

From: Tax & Finance

HMRC's Property Tax Rules: Fines and Lesser-Known Facts

As a homeowner in the UK, navigating the complex landscape of taxes and regulations enforced by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)...

29 June 2024

From: Tax & Finance

HMRC figures show tax soaring again as frozen thresholds bite

With the General Election campaign increasingly focusing on tax - on property and other assets and income - new figures from...

25 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Landlord Tax scheme could cost HMRC millions in lost income - claim

It’s been suggested that a Tory manifesto policy could create a tax loophole that would cost HMRC millions of pounds in...

12 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Tomorrow’s Stamp Duty Change “a missed opportunity to reform renting”

A controversial stamp duty change - announced months ago but coming into effect tomorrow - has been described as a missed...

31 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Tax Update - HMRC guidance for landlords who are pensioners

This has been prepared by HMRC for landlords who are also pensioners  - What is Self Assessment?  Self Assessment is the process used to...

25 May 2024

From: Tax & Finance

HMRC launches tax clampdown on Airbnb and short lets landlords

HM Revenue and Customs has opened almost 2,000 investigations into landlords letting out via Airbnb or other short let platforms. The Daily...

21 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Landlord Tax Alert - new guidance from HMRC

HMRC is appealing to landlords to file Self Assessment tax returns early - and claims there are benefits to doing so. In...

16 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Tax Alert - HMRC launching Making Tax Digital pilot scheme today

HMRC is today launching a pilot scheme for Making Tax Digital, the controversial proposal for quarterly reporting for landlords and the...

22 April 2024

From: Breaking News

HMRC’s embarrassing U-turn on Self-Assessment Helpline closure

HM Revenue and Customs has done a rapid U-turn on a decision to close its self-assessment telephone helpline for half the...

21 March 2024

From: Breaking News

How Technology is Transforming Property Management

The management of BTL properties, whether it's a modest collection of three units or a more sizable portfolio of fifteen, can...

15 March 2024

From: Sponsored Content

Holiday Let Mortgages - Everything You Need To Know

One of the biggest parts of buying a holiday home is securing a holiday let mortgage which can differ substantially to...

24 February 2024

From: Agent Advice

HMRC admits Making Tax Digital will cost landlords money and time

The government has confirmed that Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Self Assessment (MTD for ITSA) will cost landlords both extra money...

22 February 2024

From: Breaking News

Tax - will Jeremy Hunt target stamp duty in his Budget?

Although SDLT receipts have been volatile in recent years, the property tax’s effectiveness as a revenue-raiser for the Government is not...

10 February 2024

From: Tax & Finance

Tax: Airbnb to data-share with HMRC “because landlords want to pay”

Airbnb says it will continue to share hosting data with HMRC because its landlord hosts want to pay their fair share...

29 January 2024

From: Breaking News

HMRC warning as thousands of landlords risk missing tax deadline

HM Revenue and Customs says that its latest data - one week ahead of the January 31 Self Assessment deadline -...

26 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Airbnb gives its landlords tax tips to satisfy HMRC

Airbnb has taken further steps to get in the good books of HMRC by issuing a guide on tax for its...

12 January 2024

From: Breaking News

HMRC reveals big slump in residential property deals

New data from HM Revenue and Customs reveals a 22 per cent annual drop in residential transactions in the year to...

02 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Just days to go to self assessment tax deadline - here’s what to do

There are now fewer than 35 days until self employed workers - including many landlords - will need to submit their...

30 December 2023

From: Tax & Finance

Warning to Airbnb and Short Let hosts over January tax change

Thousands of Britons earning from letting their spare room or using parts of their home on platforms like Airbnb could be...

28 December 2023

From: Breaking News

HMRC Self-Assessment Helpline slammed for not helping callers

A business consultancy claims the HMNRC Self-Assessment helpline - set up to assist those compiling and filing tax returns as the...

21 December 2023

From: Breaking News

HMRC targets landlords who allegedly under-report profits

A prominent tax consultancy says landlords who transferred their rental properties in a company in 2017/18 are being targeted by HMRC. It’s...

12 December 2023

From: Breaking News

Landlord Tax Self Assessment - HMRC’s Top Five Questions

HM Revenue and Customs has provided answers to the top five questions asked on the Self Assessment helpline.  Do I need to fill...

09 December 2023

From: Top tips & guides

Soaring Capital Gains Tax and Income Tax - who pays what?

Britain’s top 100,000 taxpayers footed an average income and capital gains tax bill of £559,000 each in 2021/22. That’s up by 18...

09 December 2023

From: Tax & Finance

Making Tax Digital - good news for most small-scale landlords

Good news for landlords earning under £30,000 a year - they will not have to use the HMRC’s Making Tax Digital...

24 November 2023

From: Breaking News

HMRC’s Self Assessment Guide for Landlords

HMRC has produced this material for landlords concerned at the prospect of self-assessment  - What is Self Assessment and why do I need...

04 November 2023

From: Tax & Finance

HMRC holding tax teach-in for new landlords

HM Revenue and Custoims is running a series of webinars aimed primarily at those new to earning income from property of...

20 October 2023

From: Breaking News

HMRC to gather more data on landlords from next year

Airbnb hosts - even those using just a spare room for occasional letting - will be amongst those subject to new...

18 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Landlords urged to file tax returns as soon as possible

Landlords grappling with tax returns have been given some advice - file them sooner, rather than later. Data analysed by business consultancy...

14 October 2023

From: Tax & Finance

Tax Avoidance: NRLA suspends link with Less Tax 4 Landlords

The National Residential Landlords Association has suspended its link with Less Tax 4 Landlords. This follows publicity surrounding Less Tax 4 Landlords...

09 October 2023

From: Breaking News

HMRC warns landlords against ‘hybrid’ tax avoidance scheme

HMRC has contacted Landlord Today to draw attention to new guidance it has issued over a tax avoidance scheme aimed at...

06 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Are landlord families at risk of overpaying Inheritance Tax?

A wealth management organisation has raised the spectre that some families may end up overpaying inheritance tax. And with property wealth being...

25 August 2023

From: Breaking News

The lack of available housing stock is creating huge problems throughout the Private Rented Sector, including the supply chain. We all know...

19 August 2023

From: The Big Issues

HMRC’s Self Assessment tax warning to landlords

HMRC has prepared a guide to landlords’ and other property professionals’ self-assessment.  Here’s the guide in its entirety. - The year is flying by...

16 August 2023

From: Breaking News

HMRC pushes up late payment charges for landlords

Any landlord hit with late payment surcharges from HM Revenue & Customs will now face even higher charges. As a result of...

09 August 2023

From: Breaking News

HMRC to use Renters Reform Bill to hammer landlords - claim

A prominent accountant is warning that the upcoming Renters Reform Bill, when it becomes law, will be used by HMRC to...

18 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Stamp Duty - should landlords review accuracy of tax?

A long-standing tax consultancy has raised the spectre of too much Stamp Duty ha wing been paid thanks to mistakes made...

13 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Supply drought caused by “many years” of anti-landlord reforms - claim

One of the country’s most prominent housing market indices says the current imbalance between supply and demand in the rental sector...

19 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Failed to Disclose Airbnb Earnings? This is what you do...

HMRC has recently launched a renewed investigation into Airbnb hosts, with the site compelled to share earnings data to assist in...

17 June 2023

From: Tax & Finance

Should Landlords Be More Concerned About Inheritance Tax?

Inheritance tax receipts hit £600 million in April 2023 according to data released by HMRC. This is £100 million higher than...

03 June 2023

From: Tax & Finance

Landlords guide to making the right decisions in 2023

This year is set to bring sweeping rental reforms that will change the face of lettings forever. Landlords should be following...

02 June 2023

From: Sponsored Content

Bring back Mortgage Interest Relief - even HMRC would benefit!

Scrapping a tax hike on rented housing may help ease the housing crisis faced by tenants, according to an analysis by...

01 June 2023

From: Breaking News

HMRC in Special Appeal to Landlord Today readers

HMRC has contacted Landlord Today to make a direct appeal to readers to explain the benefits of submitting their 2022 to...

30 May 2023

From: Breaking News

Capital Gains Tax warning for landlords quitting sector

A tax expert is advising landlords to avoid failing to register their property sales for Capital Gains Tax within 60 days...

26 May 2023

From: Breaking News

HMRC preparing for tax bonanza after Renters Reform Bill

The launch of a new landlord database, proposed by the Renters Reform Bill, could provide HMRC with a gold mine of...

22 May 2023

From: Breaking News

HMRC is Reviewing Landlords’ Tax Liabilities

Landlords have again become the focus of HMRC. The government department is currently using data from rent deposit schemes to assess...

13 May 2023

From: Tax & Finance

A Glimmer of Hope: analysts see hope in downbeat market data

HMRC says UK residential transactions in March totalled 89,560 - that’s a chunky 19 per cent lower than the same month a...

02 May 2023

From: Breaking News

Property Taxes hit new highs - HMRC reveals data

New figures show that property taxes - often rising as a result of frozen thresholds - lead the way as the...

26 April 2023

From: Breaking News

The laborious legislation that continues to threaten the PRS

Landlords are exiting the market in droves. According to an accountancy firm who analysed HMRC data, 70,000 buy-to-let landlords left the sector...

06 April 2023

From: Sponsored Content

Tax Tips - expert offers landlords guidance as new year beckons

A tax expert has set out top tips for landlords as they embark on a new financial year. Mike Parkes, tax expert...

05 April 2023

From: Breaking News

HMRC rakes in the cash - is Inheritance Tax hurting property?

A business consultancy is reporting a rise in stamp duty paid by landlords and other home buyers - but is warning...

22 March 2023

From: Breaking News

HMRC wants details of high-value company-owned rentals

Companies that own UK residential properties have one month to revalue and tell HM Revenue and Customs if any are worth...

01 March 2023

From: Breaking News

HMRC on the warpath: Warning issued over undeclared income

Landlords of Airbnbs and other short-lets risk facing penalties for tax evasion if they fail to report income on their rental...

27 February 2023

From: Breaking News

HMRC targets short-let landlords with ‘nudge’ tax letters

Accountants and tax advisers are reporting that HMRC has sent out a spate of what are called ‘one-to-many’ letters to taxpayers. The...

21 February 2023

From: Breaking News

How to deal effectively with HMRC - a teach-in

High profile independent law firm Mishcon de Reya is hosting an in-person panel discussion on recent experiences with HMRC - and...

17 February 2023

From: Breaking News

Tax Self Assessment - the mistakes landlords make…

It’s the time of year when everyone is rushing to meet the self-assessment deadlines. Unfortunately, experience shows that there will be...

28 January 2023

From: Tax & Finance

Increase stamp duty for landlords says prominent Tory MP

A top Tory who is chair of the Conservative backbench Treasury Committee and a member of the Treasury Select Committee says...

25 January 2023

From: Breaking News

HMRC Deadline - Offset licensing against tax, landlords reminded

The consumer service Which? Has taken the unusual approach of setting out a 12 point guide to landlords about how to...

24 January 2023

From: Breaking News

Tax Self-Assessment: Top Tips for a Last-Minute Return

Landlords making self-assessment tax returns may already be starting to sweat - the deadline is midnight on January 31. Overall - landlords...

21 January 2023

From: Tax & Finance

Take in a lodger in 2023 to earn some extra cash

If you’re looking to make some extra cash in 2023 as the cost of living continues to bite, you may consider...

14 January 2023

From: Tax & Finance

HMRC delays landlord tax change - two year extension

The government has accepted arguments put forward by landlords and accountancy groups, and delayed a key deadline for compulsory digital tax returns. A...

20 December 2022

From: Breaking News

HMRC Landlord Tax Change - government told to think again

The government has been told it should should think again about its plans to make it compulsory for landlords and self-employed...

16 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Understanding Buy To Let finances – tips for new landlords

Although the property and mortgage markets have been in a state of flux for the past few months, with rising interest...

03 December 2022

From: Tax & Finance

How Landlords Can Minimise Inheritance Tax

New figures from HMRC this week show that the Treasury raked in another £4.1 billion in inheritance tax receipts in the...

26 November 2022

From: Tax & Finance

HMRC trousers huge rise in tax revenue - latest figures

New data just released by HM Revenue & Customs shows income tax, national insurance and capital gains tax receipts for April...

23 November 2022

From: Breaking News

More landlords pushed into Making Tax Digital headache - claim

An accountancy expert claims that inflation and rising rents could push more landlords over the £10,000 threshold for Making Tax Digital.  Currently...

21 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Legal warning - HMRC targeting landlords in new campaign

HMRC is targeting residential landlords who it suspects are not declaring their full rental income, warns tax advisory service Kreston Reeves. The...

14 November 2022

From: Breaking News

HMRC makes direct appeal to Landlord Today readers

HMRC has contacted Landlord Today to make a direct appeal to readers to complete accurate and timely tax returns. A spokesperson says:...

11 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Tory Tax Threat - party warned over yet more property taxation

A prominent figure in the lettings industry is warning the Tories against ‘stealth increases’ for Capital Gains and Inheritance taxes. David Alexander...

09 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Higher taxes proposed for short-lets and holiday properties

An influential new report wants higher taxes for landlords letting holiday properties. The Office for Tax Simplification - a division of HM...

07 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Beware - HMRC tracking down landlords with undisclosed income

HMRC is intensifying its efforts to track down landlords with undisclosed income, a financial consultancy claims. Perrys, a firm of chartered accountants,...

01 November 2022

From: Breaking News

HMRC trousers billions from yet another property tax

As landlords know better than most, property taxes are a rich seam of revenue for the government. And now, new figures show...

24 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Tax Grab - fifth of CGT payments fall outside time limit

A probe by the Financial Times has found that some 26,500 individuals missed the Capital Gains Tax filing deadline in 2021-22...

20 September 2022

From: Breaking News

Managing Finances for Furnished Holiday Lettings

Managing property finances can be hard work, long-winded and stressful. With regulation changes and market volatility, keeping on top of your...

10 September 2022

From: Tax & Finance

Countdown for a Cost of Living Crisis

If you’re counting the days until you’ll get help with runaway price rises, it helps to know exactly how many days...

03 September 2022

From: The Big Issues

HMRC's warning to Airbnb landlords with tenants during Games

HMRC is reported to have issued a warning to people who used Airbnb or other short-let platforms to find tenants during...

23 August 2022

From: Breaking News

HMRC’s tax take from property continue to soar - latest figures

Latest figures released by HM Revenue & Customs show yet another large increase in the amount of taxation received by the...

22 August 2022

From: Breaking News

Shock figures show some landlord mortgage costs have doubled

New research from an online buy to let mortgage broker shows that average rates for some typical deals favoured by landlords...

16 August 2022

From: Breaking News

Is This The Right Time for Landlords to Incorporate?

More SME landlords are seeking advice about whether now is the right time to incorporate, before progressing plans to secure more...

13 August 2022

From: Tax & Finance

Green Drive - Grants to Help Landlords with EV Charge Points

The UK government’s ban on the sale of new combustion cars from 2030 is fuelling a surge in Electric Vehicle adoption....

13 August 2022

From: The Big Issues

HMRC’s massive rise in Capital Gains Tax paid by landlords

New figures show that the amount of Capital Gains Tax raked in by HM Revenue & Customs has skyrocketed.  The Revenue received...

08 August 2022

From: Breaking News

Making Tax Digital - an Opportunity for Landlords

A big change in the way landlords monitor their property finances and file their taxes is fast approaching in the form...

30 July 2022

From: Tax & Finance

HMRC lifts threat hanging over first-time landlords

HM Revenue & Customs has stepped back from a change in the deadline for first-time landlords to give notice of their...

21 July 2022

From: Breaking News

HMRC tax delays likely for landlords with self-assessment returns

HMRC is seeing substantial delays in the processing of self assessment tax returns, it’s being claimed.  A company called RIFT Tax Refunds...

11 July 2022

From: Breaking News

Tax Take - Investors make up almost half of stamp duty receipts

New figures released this morning show that buy to let investors and second home buyers now pay almost half of the...

22 June 2022

From: Breaking News

Lodging becoming less popular despite HMRC tax break

The number of households taking lodgers has declined in recent years according to new research. The number of homes taking one lodger...

22 June 2022

From: Breaking News

HMRC shock - many landlords named and shamed over tax

HM Revenue & Customs has named and shamed a string of landlords who, it claims, have collectively avoided many millions of...

21 June 2022

From: Breaking News

Tax Grab! Massive premiums paid by landlords to HMRC

New research shows that, since 2016, the average stamp duty payment on buy to let homes has increased by £11,848 in...

10 June 2022

From: Breaking News

Taxes on Landlords - Strong response to ‘call for evidence’

The independent expert advisers to government on tax simplification, the OTS, says there has been a strong response to its consultation...

13 May 2022

From: Breaking News

HMRC - record tax relief claimed by landlords despite increased restrictions

Buy to let landlords claimed a record £18.5 in tax relief in the year to April 2021, the most recent data...

05 April 2022

From: Breaking News

Tips For Landlords Entering The Holiday Let Market

Even before the pandemic, we were seeing dramatic changes across the buy-to-let landscape with holiday lets steadily increasing in appeal –...

02 April 2022

From: Top tips & guides

HMRC told: “Don’t hit landlords with rules change”

Tax experts have warned HMRC not to add to the burden of red tape already falling on landlords. The Chartered Institute of...

23 March 2022

From: Breaking News

Tax on buy to lets and landlords - tell the government what should change

The independent Office for Tax Simplification wants to know how it can make landlords’ tax issues simpler - and it’s started...

17 March 2022

From: Breaking News

HMRC must tax AirBnb landlords heavily, insist activists

The Generation Rent activist group has launched a lobbying campaign, giving a template letter for people to send to MPs ahead...

09 March 2022

From: Breaking News

Big rise in Capital Gains Tax paid by Buy To Let landlords

New figures show that buy to let landlords quitting the sector or at least reducing their portfolios have helped the government...

03 March 2022

From: Breaking News

HMRC’s tax revaluation ‘is stealth tax on landlords’ - claim

Landlords of HMOs are being faced with a revaluation of their properties by HMRC which could result in many suffering tax...

02 March 2022

From: Breaking News

HMRC blasted for forcing landlords to change to Making Tax Digital

A group of MPs has unveiled a scathing report about the inadequacies of HM Revenue & Customs, with a particular reference...

21 February 2022

From: Breaking News

Navigating the holiday let investment market

Covid-19 has upended most industries, at least for a short while, over the past two years. But the tourism sector has...

19 February 2022

From: Tax & Finance

MovePal MovePal MovePal