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Tax Change Delayed as government drags its feet over Bill

The plans of many local authorities to double the council tax levels for second homes and some empty properties from April 2024 have been halted by the government.

Many local authorities - especially those in tourist areas with high volumes of second homes and holiday lets - have passed resolutions to double council tax, but they could only implement those policies if given powers by the government’s Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill currently going through Parliament.

That Bill would have had to have been given Royal Assent - the final part of turning a Bill into law - by April 1 for the change to be implemented in 2024. 


However, the government has delayed the Bill to make further changes to it, so local authorities will now have to wait until 2025 for levying the higher council tax burden.

Councillor Peter Wharf, deputy leader of Dorset council, told his colleagues of the delay, saying: “The proposal to introduce council tax premiums on second homes and empty properties continues to be something we are keen to explore … We will watch the progress of the government’s new Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill closely and bring this to Full Council once the legislation has passed.”

And the deputy leader of Cornwall Council told his colleagues: “It appears that the Bill that would enable us to bring in a premium on second homes council tax with effect from 1 April 2024 will not be passed into law [in time]. While we are looking at ways to remove this as an issue it is looking very much as if we will not be able to introduce this extra tax until 2025/26.”

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  • George Dawes

    No doubt mostly lefty councils

    My Tory council tax bill arrived , council 0 % increase , London authority .. that khan creep 9.7%

    That’s Labour for you , very good at spending/wasting other people’s money

  • icon

    this is what puzzles me. Any Council that proposes to raise their council tax by more than the "threshold", which is 5% for 23/24, must hold a local referendum to approve the increase. Most ( maybe all) London councils have set their tax well above 5% without calling for a referendum. Are are we as landlord's just going accept this and cough up? Moaning on this forum is not going to help!


    Don't moan about it, just pass it onto the tenant at the next rent review, leave it to the tenants to do the moaning


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