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Landlords take legal action against Labour council over licensing

Legal action has been launched against Middlesbrough’s Labour council amid claims a licensing scheme which charges landlords almost £1,000 for each...

06 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Labour Mayor splashes council tax cash on landlord clampdown

Newly re-elected Greater Manchester Labour Mayor Andy Burnham is to spend £600,000 of council tax payers’ cash on a clampdown on...

17 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Landlord fined by court for “unfairly profiting from properties”

A landlord deemed to be unfairly profiting from properties has been fined a total of £5,825.27. Greenwich council prosecuted Anna Yang, an...

29 April 2024

From: Breaking News

UK housing is expensive, small and old - new report

Britain’s housing stock offers the worst value for money of any advanced economy, according new analysis published by the Resolution Foundation. The...

25 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Prime London Rents Retreat as Supply Builds

Seasonality is returning to the prime London lettings market after three tumultuous years.  The pandemic meant the market was initially flooded with...

16 March 2024

From: Agent Advice

How Technology is Transforming Property Management

The management of BTL properties, whether it's a modest collection of three units or a more sizable portfolio of fifteen, can...

15 March 2024

From: Sponsored Content

Planning Row Landlord forced to pay over £220,000

A landlord who illegally converted a property into six flats has been ordered to pay more than £220,000. A previous unlawful change...

15 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Two landlords to pay £600,000 for ignoring planning and improvement notice

A London council has successfully prosecuted two landlords who failed to comply with a planning enforcement notice originally issued against substandard...

07 March 2024

From: Breaking News

We’ve hit peak interest rates - senior analyst speaks out

Markets are saying the UK - and for that matter the US and mainland Europe - have all hit peak interest...

28 November 2023

From: Breaking News

Homes illegally advertised as short lets returned to family use

A clampdown has found 18 council homes were being unlawfully sublet on Airbnb and other short let platforms. The investigation led by...

14 November 2023

From: Breaking News

Shock Rent Controls legal judgement - landlords and agents “disappointed”

Scotland’s Court of Session has come down in favour of the Scottish Government when it comes to rent controls. A case against...

03 November 2023

From: Breaking News

Next month Ben Beadle, chief executive of the National Residential Landlords Association, will be one of the experts at an Agent...

21 October 2023

From: Rental Reform

Landlord training conference set for early 2024

The London Landlord Accreditation Scheme is hosting a virtual conference and training day in the New Year. It promises to “bring you...

28 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Landlord illegally evicted tenant and lands up in court

A landlord has been ordered to pay £5,312 for unlawfully evicting his tenant of 18 months. In April this year Bassetlaw council...

28 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Rogue landlord illegally evicted family at Christmas

A landlord has been prosecuted for the unlawful eviction of a tenant from privately rented accommodation in Coleraine, Northern Ireland. Leading up...

12 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Watchdog to Probe Five Issues Involving Landlords and Letting Agents

The Competitioin and Markets Authority is to probe five activities involving landlords and letting agents and their responsibilities to private tenants. Sarah...

25 August 2023

From: Breaking News

Law student wins deposit court case against landlord

A third year law student has successfully challenged her landlord over a repair bill.  Obioma Ibe, whose landlord unlawfully tried to claim...

06 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Landlord sentenced after horrifying hammer attack

A landlord who left his tenants homeless after breaking into their house at night with a hammer has been prosecuted by...

17 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Chaos! Bid to regulate Airbnb and short lets in tatters after ruling

A plan to regulate short lets such as Airbnbs has been ruled unlawful by a judge before it even comes into...

09 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Landlords guide to making the right decisions in 2023

This year is set to bring sweeping rental reforms that will change the face of lettings forever. Landlords should be following...

02 June 2023

From: Sponsored Content

Second illegal eviction prosecution for rogue landlord

A council has prosecuted a rogue landlord for the second time for illegally evicting a tenant. The prosecution for offences relating to...

16 May 2023

From: Breaking News

Politicians reject rent controls and open-ended tenancies

Politicians have rejected calls for rent controls, open ended tenancies and slower evictions - although this has not happened on the...

04 May 2023

From: Breaking News

28 days for landlord to pay fine, costs and victim surcharge

A landlord was prosecuted after a council discovered he had unlawfully allowed occupation of a prohibited property. Following a complaint from a...

21 April 2023

From: Breaking News

Landlord’s appeal failure means massive five figure fine

A landlord will have to pay £22,861 after he failed to apply for a licence to operate an HMO. Mohammad Safdar, of...

20 April 2023

From: Breaking News

Energy Efficiency Changes to hit non-Domestic Rental Units

Landlords on non-domestic units are being urged to adhere to new regulations for their properties, or face thousands of pounds of fines. With...

25 March 2023

From: Legislation & Compliance

Rogue landlord allowed tenants into house with Prohibition Order

An unnamed landlord has been prosecuted after Rochdale council discovered they had unlawfully allowed occupation of a property that had been...

17 March 2023

From: Breaking News

Message to Chancellor - ease the landlords’ tax burden

.The National Residential Landlords Association has called for a full review of how landlords and the private rental sector are taxed. In...

15 March 2023

From: Breaking News

Private rent rises capped at 3% for existing tenants in Scotland

Politicians in the Scottish Parliament have backed a controversial cap which means rent rises for private tenants mid-tenancy cannot exceed 3.0...

13 March 2023

From: Breaking News

Call for EPCs to be renewed every three years

Energy Performance Certificates must change to properly support reaching net zero, tackling fuel poverty and improving buildings, according to an energy...

06 March 2023

From: Breaking News

MEES Rules - Huge volumes of London property “unlettable”

An analysis of inner London data from the government’s non-domestic EPC register suggests huge volumes of commercial property may be unsettable...

28 February 2023

From: Breaking News

EPCs are useless, wrong and easily rigged - new research

Shocking new research shows that Energy Performance Certificates are inaccurate at best, useless at worst, and easily rigged. A Sunday Times report...

27 February 2023

From: Breaking News

New EPC targets to be missed by fifth of commercial landlords

Nearly a fifth of UK commercial landlords still have properties with an energy performance certificate rating of F or G, despite...

23 February 2023

From: Breaking News

Home Office says landlords do not ‘systematically discriminate’ against tenants

The government has published the findings of a review into the operation of Right To Rent by private landlords and letting...

14 February 2023

From: Breaking News

Free advice, tips and hacks for landlords at online event

Private landlords and letting agents can pick up tips on how to keep energy costs under control, stay on top of...

14 February 2023

From: Breaking News

Illegal licensing consultation - council goes back to square one

A London council is relaunching its consultation on a new borough-wide Additional HMO Licensing Scheme, following feedback from the community.  The original...

31 January 2023

From: Breaking News

Mould - Council says private tenants should complain if landlord fails to act

A council is telling private tenants in its area to make contact if they believe their mould-related problems are not being...

23 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Maverick landlord loses latest bid to sue police for £1m

A maverick landlord who has hit the headlines countless times in recent years has lost his latest bid to sue the...

05 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Landlords accused of discrimination by charity and council

Richmond council in London is joining forces with the charity Citizens Advice to help stop what it calls ‘discrimination’ against renters...

02 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Big city landlord licensing regime set to expand

Landlords and agents are being asked their views on proposals to expand Selective Licensing to eight new areas of Manchester. There are...

11 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Labour, Greens and Nationalists rubber-stamp rent freeze

A combination of Labour, the Green Party and the Scottish Nationalists have pushed through a rent freeze proposal. The Cost of Living...

07 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Angry landlord admits “moment of madness” removing tenant’s toilet

A landlord has been prosecuted for unlawfully evicting and harassing a tenant by, amongst other things, removing the toilet. The landlord also...

26 September 2022

From: Breaking News

Landlord Update - the government's Plan For Growth

The new Chancellor of the Exchequer spoke for only 25 minutes but effectively turned the recent history of British tax policy...

24 September 2022

From: Tax & Finance

Stamp Duty Cuts take effect immediately

Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng has announced that stamp duty will be cut.  In future there will be no stamp duty on the first £250,000...

23 September 2022

From: Breaking News

New Build price reductions are increasing says market monitor

New build homes are often at the forefront of market downturns and new data suggests new builds are already seeing price...

08 September 2022

From: Breaking News

New builds far more expensive for landlords than existing homes

Existing homes have risen some eight per cent in value in the past year while the price of a typical new...

12 August 2022

From: Breaking News

See You In Court! Landlords threaten legal action over licensing

A landlord group is threatening legal action following a council’s approval of a new licensing scheme. York council - run by a...

04 August 2022

From: Breaking News

Why Are Landlords Reluctant To Let To Benefit Claimants?

The House of Commons Library provides books, journals and online resources for MPs, MPs' staff and parliamentary staff. Some of this is...

23 July 2022

From: Legislation & Compliance

Tenant now able to sue landlord for damages after court fine

A landlord has been fined and must pay compensation after being involved in an illegal eviction. The landlord - Tahir Aziz - was...

11 July 2022

From: Breaking News

New build price rises lag behind a second hand market

Landlords considering new build properties to enlarge their portfolios may get more of a bargain than they expected. New data from the...

13 June 2022

From: Breaking News

Brexit threat to cleaning could hurt private landlords - claim

A cleaning crisis caused by Brexit and Covid could threaten the well-being of the buy to let sector according to a...

10 May 2022

From: Breaking News

Airbnb disowns landlords who evict long-term tenants for short-let gains

Airbnb, so often criticised for operating in the largely-unregulated short lets market, has called on the UK government to scrap Section...

25 April 2022

From: Breaking News

“Uphill struggle to get landlords to fix anything” says activist chief

One of the leaders of the Generation Rent group claims it can be “an uphill struggle for private renters to get...

14 April 2022

From: Breaking News

MPs condemn rental conditions, councils and government

A senior committee of MPs claims that it’s “too difficult for renters to realise their legal right to a safe and...

13 April 2022

From: Breaking News

Landlord group backs MPs’ condemnation of rental property conditions

The National Residential Landlords Association has backed a far-reaching report by a group of MPs which has condemned the quality of...

13 April 2022

From: Breaking News

Council’s plea to landlords - help us with Ukranian refugees

A council in one of the remote parts of the UK is appealing for registered landlords who might be able to...

22 March 2022

From: Breaking News

Renters should join tenants’ union, urges Labour council

Oxford’s Labour-run council has called on private renters to join a new tenants union. A statement from the authority says some private...

21 March 2022

From: Breaking News

How tenants pay rent is no business of landlords, claims Shelter

Campaigning charity Shelter claims that in one part of the UK alone, some 75,000 tenants have been discriminated against by landlords. The...

11 March 2022

From: Breaking News

Big rent premiums possible on new-builds - claim

New build homes command rental premiums of as high as 41 per cent in the current market, it’s been claimed. The Unlatch...

25 February 2022

From: Breaking News

Landlords face fines of up to 36 months’ rent under government plans

A proposal that landlords be fined up to 36 months rent has been put forward in a consultation paper. The Scottish Government’s...

24 February 2022

From: Breaking News

Anti-discrimination guide for landlords issued by government

The government has issued a new guide to ensure landlords do not discriminate while enforcing the Right To Rent regulations.  It applies...

14 February 2022

From: Breaking News

EPCs to be reviewed - so have they been wrong all this time?

A national newspaper says the current ratings of the Energy Performance Certificate are under review by the Department for Business, Energy...

08 February 2022

From: Breaking News

Suspended sentence for landlord who evicted tenant overnight

A landlord has been jailed for six months, suspended for a year, after being found guilty of illegally evicting a tenant...

20 January 2022

From: Breaking News

Energy efficiency surveys for landlords offered by local council

Cotswold council, using cash from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, is targeting properties that fall below the minimum...

18 January 2022

From: Breaking News

Landlords - should you tell tenants about another tax?

A little-known law unearthed by a lettings agency may be bad news because it means some private renters are likely to...

12 January 2022

From: Breaking News

Low-cost investments fade away with few homes below £150,000

Landlords adopting a strategy of buying cheap in search of high yields are having a tougher task in finding the right...

07 January 2022

From: Breaking News

Opposition to rent controls voiced by chief of new super-agency

A senior figure in a newly-enlarged agency that wants to become a national force in lettings has thrown his weight behind...

05 January 2022

From: Breaking News

Brexiteer MPs campaign against Net Zero EPC targets

Two prominent Brexiteer MPs are spearheading a campaign that claims Net Zero energy efficiency policies are unpopular. In their launch statement, they...

29 December 2021

From: Breaking News

Council boasts of working with police and ‘talking tough’ to landlords

A council says it’s working with police to target landlords which it claims are flouting the law and illegally eviction and...

07 December 2021

From: Breaking News

Council on charm offensive to warn landlords over EPCs

A council says it’s going to contact local landlords to remind them of legal restrictions concerning energy efficiency. Caerphilly council says it’s...

02 December 2021

From: Breaking News

Unlawful eviction of tenants leads to five figure fines for rogue couple

A couple have been fined over £13,000 after they were found guilty of unlawfully evicting four tenants and breaching management regulations...

19 November 2021

From: Breaking News

Appeal to landlords - Far-flung council wants homes for refugees

Orkney Council wants private landlords who hold family accommodation to come forward if they would be suitable for Afghan families. Councillors recently...

28 October 2021

From: Breaking News

Guilty! Landlord admits illegal eviction during pandemic

A landlord has pleaded guilty to the unlawful eviction of his tenant. Jalal Uddin of Wellingborough has pleaded guilty at the town’s...

06 September 2021

From: Breaking News

Rogue landlord unlawfully harassed and evicted a tenant

A man has pleaded guilty in a magistrates’ court after he evicted a tenant by unlawfully harassing him and obliging him...

03 August 2021

From: Breaking News

Council wants witnesses to alleged illegal eviction

A council is appealing for witnesses to help with its prosecution of a landlord for illegal eviction. Sohila Tamiz who is a...

19 July 2021

From: Breaking News

Online rental management platform seeks crowdfunding cash

An online platform that places landlords’ listings on portals and manages bookings is seeking new funding through the Seedrs crowdfunding site. Smarthost...

08 June 2021

From: Breaking News

Landlord Fight Back: legal threat to council licensing proposals

A well-organised group of local landlords is threatening a city council with legal action over plans to expand a licensing scheme. The...

27 May 2021

From: Breaking News

Portugal’s Golden Visa scheme – what is changing from January 2022?

Since it was launched in 2012 to help the Portuguese economy bounce back from a damaging financial crisis, the Portuguese Golden...

19 May 2021

From: Sponsored Content

Guilty: Landlord admits throwing tenant out illegally

Landlord Antanas Klibavicius has pleaded guilty to illegally evicting his tenant and not taking any steps towards ending the tenancy properly...

18 May 2021

From: Breaking News

Baroness urges police to get tough with “criminal landlords”

The Generation Rent campaign group has entered the fray for the Police and Crime Commissioner elections which will be held in some...

26 April 2021

From: Breaking News

Landlords told they should take more benefit claimant tenants

A lettings agency is telling landlords to take more tenants claiming housing benefits. The agency in question says it’s wrong that some...

17 March 2021

From: Breaking News

Labour wants ban on in-person meter readings at rental properties

Labour wants the government to change its Coronavirus guidance to end the internal reading of electric and gas meters during lockdown. The party claims...

09 March 2021

From: Breaking News

Rental Income Taxation: A Landlord Impact Analysis

The changes to Mortgage Interest Tax Relief and impact on your wallet Before April 2017 landlords with a mortgage on their buy-to-let...

14 January 2021

From: Sponsored Content

Shelter says many landlords think they can get away with discrimination

A BBC investigation into ‘No DSS’ statements on two prominent landlord websites has provoked campaigning charity Shelter into an attack on the...

21 December 2020

From: Breaking News

Prominent landlord websites may be unlawfully discriminating, claims BBC

An investigation by the BBC has found that 80 per cent of advertisements on two websites used by landlords say people...

18 December 2020

From: Breaking News

Landlord’s family step in to manage repairs after tribunal hearing

The family of an 80-year-old landlord fined for failing to maintain a block of flats in Wisbech has stepped in to...

25 November 2020

From: Breaking News

Tribunal upholds civil penalty notice and fine on landlord

A £4,550 fine has been upheld after an appeal by the landlord was rejected by a property tribunal. Fenland council served five...

19 November 2020

From: Breaking News

Landlords urged to challenge eviction restrictions in Corona hotspots

A leading property lawyers says he’s willing to act for landlords to take the government to judicial review over its latest...

30 October 2020

From: Breaking News

New boutique Build To Rent brand snaps up developers’ units

A new Build To Rent brand - Kooky - has acquired 208 units in High Wycombe from a developer, Inland Homes. The...

22 October 2020

From: Breaking News

No DSS: MPs warned affordability checks likely to increase

The ‘No DSS’ issue has been effectively settled by a landmark court case, but a new document for MPs says ‘affordability...

15 October 2020

From: Breaking News

Possible refund for investors caught out by planning consent scam

The Financial Conduct Authority wants to find people who unwittingly invested in an unauthorised land banking scheme - they may be...

14 October 2020

From: Breaking News

Mandatory landlord register demanded by Generation Rent activists

The Generation Rent campaign says a mandatory landlord register is necessary - and would have stopped the actions of a rogue...

06 October 2020

From: Breaking News

Banned for life: rogue landlord faces jail if he lets another home

A landlord who unlawfully let cramped and overcrowded bedsits and then harassed tenants who complained has been fined thousands of pounds...

02 October 2020

From: Breaking News

Court rules that landlords must not discriminate against benefit claimants

A second UK court has ruled that ‘No DSS’ is unlawful, after a renter won a legal trial against housing benefit...

18 September 2020

From: Breaking News

Kensington reduces BTL rates

Kensington Mortgages has introduced a range of rate cuts across its buy-to-let and residential ranges.  Rates have been cut by up to 0.3%...

10 September 2020

From: Breaking News

BTL landlords urged to review ‘advertising material and vetting policies’

A specialist property litigation firm is warning buy-to-let landlords not to discriminate against benefit claimants, following a recent landmark ruling that...

06 August 2020

From: Breaking News

Why landlords must not use ‘no DSS’ to discriminate against benefit tenants

In recent years, there has been considerable controversy over the use of ‘no DSS’ in homes being listed for let, with...

29 July 2020

From: Sponsored Content

BTL landlord loses appeal at High Court over extension

A buy-to-let landlord in Doncaster has lost an appeal at the High Court after he built an extension on a property...

20 July 2020

From: Breaking News

BTL landlords urged to invest in property sooner rather than later

Buy-to-let landlords are being urged to take advantage of the stamp duty tax savings announced in the chancellor’s summer statement by...

17 July 2020

From: Breaking News

Refusing DSS tenants is ‘not’ discrimination, say most landlords in poll

The practice of refusing to rent homes to those in receipt of housing benefit has been ruled unlawful this week, but...

15 July 2020

From: Breaking News

Indicators suggest the UK rental market ‘is set for a swift comeback’

Online visits and engagement by homebuyers and tenants in the UK has dropped 4.1% over the past six months as many...

20 May 2020

From: Breaking News

MovePal MovePal MovePal