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KEYWORD "Renters Reform Coalition" - 36 RESULTS
Activists send “warning” letter to Major Party Leaders

A letter from a coalition of pro-tenant groups has been sent to the leaders of the Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat, Reform...

21 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Pro-tenant activists slam Labour’s rental reform plans

Labour’s manifesto commitment to empower renters to challenge unreasonable rent increases has been slammed because it “would leave millions trapped in...

17 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Left wing renter groups slam Labour for prioritising first time buyers

The ink was hardly dry on Labour’s plan for a mortgage guarantee scheme for first time buyers before some left wing...

10 June 2024

From: Breaking News

They Think It’s All Over - renter activists unhappy about Reform Bill

In theory the Renters Reform Bill could become law if government and opposition agree to prioritise it in the few remaining...

23 May 2024

From: Breaking News

It’s War! Activist groups in conflict over Labour report and rent controls

The fragile peace between different groups in the Renters Reform Coalition has ended in a dispute about a Labour-commissioned report on...

15 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Renters Reform Bill U-turn by tenant activists

The coalition of 20-plus groups which have previously spoken enthusiastically about the Renters Reform Bill has now changed its mind. On April...

25 April 2024

From: Breaking News

MPs return at last - Renters Reform Bill on the agenda

MPs return to the Commons today after a substantial Easter recess - and with progress on the Renters Reform Bill on...

15 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Renters Reform Bill changes not as key as opponents claim - expert comment

Amendments to be made to the Renters Reform Bill when it returns to the Hoise of Commons next week won’t significantly...

11 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Newspaper claims Renters Reform Bill “on brink of collapse”

A national newspaper says the Renters Reform Bill is “on the brink of collapse” as Tory MPs are divided on their views...

08 March 2024

From: Breaking News

NRLA accused of putting landlord profits before society’s interests

A leader of the Renters Reform Coalition activist lobby has made a specific targeted attack on the motives and honesty of...

04 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Activists in new bid to make Renters Reform Bill tougher on landlords

The Renters Reform Coalition - a group of organisations including Shelter and Generation Rent - has again written to Housing Secretary...

12 February 2024

From: Breaking News

Generation Rent asks: How Can You Stand By As We’re Turfed From Homes?

Generation Rent has launched a double-pronged attack on landlords and the government. The activist group claims that the latest possession statistics from...

09 February 2024

From: Breaking News

Renters Reform Bill: government reveals another Commons delay

The Renters Reform Bill will not go for its Third Reading in the House of Commons for at least another fortnight. The...

05 February 2024

From: Breaking News

Rental activists claim public support for radical five point 2024 wish list

The controversial Renters Reform Coalition - a band of campaigners including the Acorn and Generation Rent ginger groups - claims public...

27 December 2023

From: Breaking News

Activist’s Twitter war of words continues

Activist’s Twitter war of words continues  It appears as if Suella Braverman is not the only figure making a personal attack in...

15 November 2023

From: Breaking News

Landlords challenge Shelter and allies to explain social media claims

Claims on social media by a leader of the Renters Reform Coalition - who is also a contributor to a Labour-supporting website...

01 November 2023

From: Breaking News

Hardline activists claim over 600,000 evictions using Section 21

The hardline activist group Acorn - part of the Renters Reform Coalition involving Generation Rent - now claims that some 600,000...

02 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Activists complain to Rishi Sunak over Renters Reform Bill delays

The Renters Reform Coalition - an umbrella body which includes direct action groups Acorn and the Renters Rights London - has ...

27 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Renters Reform Bill - Penny Mordaunt gives progress report

A Labour MP has expressed concern at the speed of progress on the Renters Reform Bill - pushing Leader of the...

23 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Activists U-turn on Renters Reform Bill?

Activists who at one time appeared broadly happy with the pro-tenant Renters Reform Bill now appear to have changed their mind. Over...

13 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Gove puts activists in pole position at launch of Reform Bill

In a surprise move, Housing Secretary Michael Gove has given the stand-in leader of activist group Generation Rent a prime role...

17 May 2023

From: Breaking News

Activists to lobby MPs on rental reform in ‘day of action’

A coalition of tenant activists has called a Day of Action to protest at delays in the government’s rental reform agenda. The...

28 February 2023

From: Breaking News

“We’ll train people to resist evictions” says Renters Reform group

One of the many activist groups in the so-called Renters’ Reform Coalition has pledged to “train people across the country to...

13 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Some Rent Freeze and Eviction Ban activists pause campaigning

Both Shelter and Generation Rent have paused their campaigning on social media for the duration of national mourning for The Queen. A...

12 September 2022

From: Breaking News

Activists ask Boris Johnson to begin rental reform process tomorrow

Activists from pressure groups and London-focussed tenants’ bodies have handed in a letter to 10 Downing Street asking the Prime Minister...

09 May 2022

From: Breaking News

Here we go again! Activists prepare new attack on landlords

Rental activists have made clear that they are not going to stop when their objective to scrap Section 21 eviction powers...

12 April 2022

From: Breaking News

Housing minister consults with activists over rental reforms

Housing minister Eddie Hughes MP has met with activists to discuss the government’s reform proposals for the private rental sector.  They were...

04 April 2022

From: Breaking News

Activists demand indefinite tenancies at heart of rental reform

The Renters’ Reform Coalition, a combination of some 20 groups of activists wanting to transform the lettings sector, has set its...

23 March 2022

From: Breaking News

Ex-Corbyn shadow minister leads MP support for Generation Rent

A former member of Jeremy Corbyn’s shadow cabinet has thrown his weight behind Generation Rent’s latest campaign. Lloyd Russell-Moyle - chair of...

16 September 2021

From: Breaking News

Generation Rent angry over return of normal eviction notice periods

Activists’ group Generation Rent says it’s to lobby MPs on Tuesday next week against the return of normal eviction notice periods...

10 September 2021

From: Breaking News

Battling Baroness says S21 notices ‘pull rug from beneath tenants’ feet’

The Baroness who leads the Generation Rent campaign has made a sharp attack on section 21 notices. Baroness Alicia Kennedy says: “A Section 21...

15 April 2021

From: Breaking News

Police help landlords conduct illegal and violent evictions - claim

A group of activists at the centre of campaigns for renters’ rights has claimed the police help landlords commit illegal acts. The London...

18 March 2021

From: Breaking News

Tenants shouldn’t be obliged to attend possession hearings - call

Activists in a rental reform coalition say court possession hearings should be halted as well as bailiff-led evictions. They say the stress...

11 January 2021

From: Breaking News

Rent reform activists hit trouble with recruitment drive

Generation Rent, the lobby group that tells the government how it thinks the lettings industry should operate, appears to have a...

05 January 2021

From: Breaking News

Pro-tenant activists recruit campaign staff for 2021 battle

Staff are being recruited by a coalition of groups campaigning for widespread restrictions on landlord powers in 2021. Called the Renters Reform...

22 December 2020

From: Breaking News

Labour council, students and charities demand fair deal for tenants

The Labour-controlled Greater London Authority and 18 other groups of activists, charities and students have formed a new pro-renter coalition. Called the...

16 December 2020

From: Breaking News

MovePal MovePal MovePal